The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)



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  • July 8, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Why Is a Leading Feminist Organization Lending Its Name to Support Escalation in Afghanistan?
    AlterNet: The U.S. invasion has been a failure, and increasing the U.S. troop presence will not undo the destruction the war has brought to the daily lives of Afghans. As humanitarians and as feminists, it is the welfare of the civilian population in Afghanistan that concerns us most deeply. That is why it was so discouraging to learn that the Feminist Majority Foundation has lent its good name -- and the good name of feminism in general -- to advocate for further troop escalation and war. more...

  • June 29, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Some Jehadi and mafia candidates in the world’s most undemocratic elections
    Amongst the presidential candidates we can generally find two groups... Amongst these, the president would only be the one most committed to US, accepting them as their masters and being their loyal lackeys. If the decision would be in the hands of Afghan people, instead of creating ‘Elections Commission’ they would create ‘Commission for investigating the crimes of the last 30 years’ and record their names in that list. Their place would be behind bars and not the Presidential Palace. more...

  • June 14, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Afghan feminist: No other country can grant us peace
    RAWA is an organisation that defends women’s and human rights and advocates for a fully democratic and secular government in Afghanistan. Shazia (not her real name) lives in Kabul and teaches English, translates RAWA publications for the international media and visits rural Afghanistan as a reporter for RAWA’s magazine, Payam-e-Zan (Message of Women). During her recent speaking tour in Australia she spoke to Green Left Weekly’s Katherine Bradstreet. more...

  • June 11, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Afghanistan oltre il fondamentalismo mediatico
    Si tratta di Marian e Sahar, due esponenti dell’associazione afgana RAWA, portavoce della battaglia in difesa dei diritti delle donne afghane nel mondo che proprio lo scorso maggio si trovavano in Italia per una serie di incontri volti a far luce sulla complicata situazione della popolazione femminile in Afghanistan; una situazione troppo spesso trattata superficialmente e mai adeguatamente affrontata dall’intero mondo occidentale. more...

  • June 6, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Get out of Afghanistan
    That was the blunt message to Australia _ and the US _ on Sunday from Shazia Shakib, a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). Shazia Shakib (not her real name, to protect her) on Sunday in Hobart gave a first-hand account of the struggle for human rights, democracy and secular values in her country, a nation ravaged by war and religious fundamentalism. more...

  • June 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Women fight for rights in Afghanistan
    The Revolutionary Association for the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) is a group dedicated to help women suffering harsh gender inequality in the Middle East. The political group was formed in 1977. Shazia Shakib from RAWA is in Australia to raise support for the plight of women in war-torn Afghanistan. Featured in story: Shazia Shakib. more...

  • June 3, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Women in Afghanistan: fighting fundamentalism and building their own future
    For 30 years, through Soviet occupation, Taliban rule, the American invasion and the current reign of warlords, RAWA has continued the struggle for democracy, human rights and secularism. RAWA runs health clinics, schools and adult education centres. The Taliban prohibited the education of girls and are still destroying schools and murdering teachers who dare to continue teaching. more...

  • May 30, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Brave Voice for Women
    Shazia is a spokesperson for the clandestine and underground movement known as RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. Hated and banned in Afghanistan, RAWA operates through a well-organized network of women throughout Afghanistan and in Pakistan. The group is fiercely anti-fundamentalist, and abhors the use of Islam as an excuse for the continued persecution of women. For the past 30 years it has called for a democratic and secular government in Afghanistan. But it’s a call that continues to fall on deaf ears. more...

  • May 29, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Afghan women’s rights under threat: Interview with a RAWA member
    RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, has been campaigning for democracy and better human rights for women in that country for more than 30 years. Shazia Shakib is the alias of a member of RAWA in Australia at the moment, whose real name we’re not using for her protection on return to Afghanistan. She says that while many people in the West think that women in Afghanistan are now free, in reality the few rights they have are under threat. more...

  • May 25, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile ZOYA: “This is just the tip of the iceburg…”
    Upon hearing of the recent change in Shiite law in Afghanistan, one that stipulates that a wife "is bound to preen for her husband as and when he desires," V-Day reached out to long time V-Day activist and representative of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, (RAWA) Zoya for her comments on behalf of RAWA and the women of her country. more...

  • May 25, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Soulevons nous contre les crimes de guerre des Etats-Unis et de leurs laquais fondamentalistes!
    Alors que les occupants Américains continuent à tuer nos citoyens innocents et affligés sans remords, ils ont cette fois commis encore un crime atroce dans le village de Bala Baruk dans la province de Farah. Le 5 mai 2009, les attaques aériennes ont pris pour cible des habitations de civils, et ont causé la mort de plus de 150 personnes, pour la plupart des femmes et des enfants. Ce n'est qu'un autre crime de guerre mais le Pentagone prétend qu'il s'agit de l'œuvre des Talibans et que le nombre de civils tués n'est que de 12. more...

  • May 24, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Une interview avec l’Association Révolutionnaire des Femmes d'Afghanistan
    Etablie en 1977, l'Association Révolutionnaire des Femmes d'Afghanistan (la RAWA, en anglais) est une association de femmes indépendante qui se bat en faveur des droits de l'homme et de la justice sociale en Afghanistan. La RAWA s'est opposée à l'invasion soviétique et à l'occupation de l'Afghanistan de 1979-89, de la même façon, elle s'est opposée au gouvernement Mujahadin et à celui des Taliban en faisant fonctionner des écoles clandestines pour filles Afghanes et en lançant des projets humanitaires. more...

  • May 22, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile “The U.S. government has never supported democratic organizations...”
    In June, 2008, the Afghan activist Zoya of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) testified to the Human Rights Commission of the German Parliament (Bundestag) in an effort to persuade the German government to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. At that time Elsa Rassbach, a U.S. citizen living in Germany, interviewed Zoya in Berlin. This is the first release of the interview in English. more...

  • May 18, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Intervista a RAWA -Associazione Rivoluzionaria delle Donne dell’Afghanistan
    Fondata nel 1977, l'associazione rivoluzionaria delle donne dell'Afghanistan (RAWA) è una organizzazione indipendente di donne che lottano per i diritti umani e la giustizia sociale, nel loro paese. RAWA si oppose all'invasione sovietica ed all'occupazione dell'Afghanistan del 1979-1989, come pure alle successive dei Mujahaden e del governo talebano; ha diretto scuole nascoste per le ragazze afgane, pubblica un giornale ed attua progetti umanitari. more...

  • May 13, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile با کاغذ تشناب شدن فهیم جنایتکار، رژیم پلید جهادی ـ مافیایی کرزی پاک نمی‌شود!
    وقتی کرزی، فهیم را به عنوان معاونش اعلام داشت «رادیو آزادی» به نقل از خبرگزاری فرانسه در ۵ می ۲۰۰۹ از قول دیپلمات‌های غربی در کابل گفت: «فهیم در جنگ‌های سه دهه اخیر افغانستان در یک سلسله فعالیت‌های جنایی از جمله اختطاف اشخاص به منظور به دست آوردن پول و انواع تخطی‌های حقوق بشر متهم می‌باشد. به عقیده کای‌ایدی نماینده خاص ملل متحد در افغانستان رییس جمهور کرزی با انتخاب فهیم همچو معاونش اعتبارش را در جوامع بین‌المللی و افغانستان از دست خواهد داد... کای‌ایدی در چندین ملاقات اخیری که با آقای کرزی داشت از او خواهش نمود تا فهیم را به حیث معاون رییس جمهور انتخاب نکند. بعد از آن که کرزی نامزدی‌اش را اعلام نمود، کای‌ایدی بیان داشت که او حقیقتاً از این انتخاب کرزی متاثر است و عکس‌العمل‌های بین المللی در برابر این انتخاب کرزی خیلی جدی خواهد بود و نگرانی کای‌ایدی در حلقه‌های دیپلمات‌های غربی در کابل از حمایت گسترده‌ای برخوردار شد. سازمان ملل متحد آرزو داشت که جنگسالاران افغانستان صحنه را برای نیروهای جوان و مدرن ترک خواهند گفت. more...

  • May 8, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile علیه جنایات جنگی امریکا و نوکران بنیادگرایش بپا خیزیم!
    اشغالگران امریکایی به سلسله کشتار بیدریغ مردم غمزده و معصوم ما، اینبار در قریه بالا بلوک ولایت فراه جنایت هولناک تازه ای آفریدند. به تاریخ پنجم می ۲۰۰۹ طیاره های امریکا با پرتاب چندین بمب بر خانه های مردم و قتل عام بیش از یکصد و پنجاه تن که اکثر شان زنان و کودکان بودند، جنایت جنگی دیگری را مرتکب شدند اما با بیشرمی میکوشند تا عامل این کشتار را نیز طالبان نامیده و تعداد قربانیان ملکی را فقط دوازده تن اعلان نمایند. more...

  • May 7, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Let’s rise against the war crimes of US and its fundamentalist lackeys!
    As the US occupiers continue killing our innocent and sorrowed people without regret, this time they committed yet another horrible crime in Bala Baluk village of Farah Province. On 5th May 2009, the US airstrikes targeted people’s homes, killing more than 150, mostly women and children. This is another war crime but Pentagon shamelessly includes Taliban as the perpetrators too and announces the civilian deaths being only 12! more...

  • May 6, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Interview with the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
    The US invaded Afghanistan to fulfil its geo-political, economic and regional strategic interests and to change Afghanistan into a strong military base in the region. Since Afghanistan is the heart of Asia, it would serve as a strong base for controlling surrounding countries like Pakistan, China, Iran and above all the Central Asian Republics. Additionally, as a superpower, it continues to occupy Afghanistan to combat rising powers like Russia and China, who are becoming greater rivals for the US in the economic, military and political fields. more...

  • April 25, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Pakistan: Taliban threaten co-educational schools
    WW4 Report: The co-educational schools that the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) runs for Afghan refugees in Pakistan are under attack from Pakistan's new Taliban movement. This statement from RAWA was forwarded to us by the Support Association for the Women of Afghanistan (SAWA-Australia), April 21. more...

  • March 24, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Fredericton rallies together for women of Afghanistan
    The Fredericton Peace Coalition, the UNB/STU University Women’s Centre, NB RebELLEs-Fredericton, and CUSO-VSO joined together to host Fredericton’s third Annual Benefit for the Revolutionary Association of Women in Afghanistan (RAWA). RAWA began in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1977 under the leadership of Meena, an activist who was eventually assassinated for her advocacy against Afghanistan’s fundamentalist forces. more...

  • February 19, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Afghanistan «Une alternative démocratique peut être créée»
    Les seigneurs de guerre, les djihadistes, ceux issus de l’Alliance du Nord, que commandait Massoud (avant son assassinat en 2001 - NDLR), et ceux du parti de Gulbddin Hekmatyar. Pour ne citer qu’eux. Ces djihadistes avaient pris Kaboul en 1992 quand les Soviétiques se sont retirés. Ils s’y sont entre-tués. C’est à cette époque qu’une grande partie de la capitale a été détruite et des milliers de civils ont été tués dans ce conflit qui n’était pas le leur. more...

  • October 30, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile RAWA protests against Afghan representatives
    The News: Members of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) here on Tuesday staged a peaceful protest against representatives of Afghanistan in ‘Peace Jirga’ held in Islamabad. RAWA, a democratic and anti-fundamentalist organisation, condemned the assembly, “which is not at all related to our people and their immediate demands for peace and stability.” more...

  • October 24, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Over RAWA (de Revolutionaire Vereniging van de Vrouwen van Afghanistan)
    RAWA, de Revolutionaire Vereniging van de Vrouwen van Afghanistan, werd in 1977 gevestigd in Kaboel, Afghanistan, als onafhankelijke politiek-sociale organisatie van Afghaanse vrouwen die vechten voor mensenrechten en voor sociale rechtvaardigheid in Afghanistan. RAWA’s doelstelling was om steeds meer Afghaanse vrouwen te betrekken in sociale en politieke activiteiten, gericht op het verwerven van vrouwenrechten en om bij te dragen aan de strijd om een overheid gericht op democratische en seculaire waarden tot stand te brengen in Afghanistan. more...

  • October 7, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile
    Zeven jaar geleden slaagde de overheid van de V.S. en zijn bondgenoten erin om met succes hun militaire invasie op Afghanistan te wettigen en om niet alleen het Amerikaanse volk maar de hele wereld te misleiden met uitspraken zoals “bevrijding van Afghaanse vrouwen”, “democratie” en “oorlog tegen terrorisme”. Ons volk, die de kwelling en onderdrukking door de Taliban overheersing had doorstaan, werden gevuld met hoop maar al spoedig werd hun droom van totstandbrenging van veiligheid, democratie en vrijheid op de meer pijnlijke manier stukgeslagen. more...

  • October 2, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Interview - »Zoya« im Gespräch über Gewalt gegen Frauen und die internationalen Truppen in Afghanistan
    Jungle World: Die Frauenrechtsgruppe Rawa (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) engagiert sich seit 1977 sozial und politisch für die Durchsetzung von Menschen­rechten für Frauen in Afghanistan. In der Organisation sind 2000 Frauen in Afghanistan und Pakistan aktiv. Eine von ihnen ist die 1978 geborene »Zoya«, die nach der Ermordung ihrer Eltern selbst in einer Schule der Rawa in Pakistan das erste Mal eine Schulbildung erhielt. Wie alle RAWA-Aktivis­tinnen tritt sie aus Sicherheitsgründen nur unter Pseudonym an die Öffentlichkeit und lässt sich nicht fotografieren. more...

  • September 22, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Truppen raus! Die afghanische Frauenrechtlerin Zoya
    Schwäbisches Tagblatt: Man könnte ihr auf irgendeinem internationalen Flughafen begegnen und auf Englisch mit ihr plaudern. Doch normalerweise lebt Zoya in Afghanistan im Untergrund. Sie gehört zur Frauenorganisation RAWA, die sich dort seit 30 Jahren für Frauenrechte und Demokratie einsetzt. Zoya ist ein Pseudonym, das die 30-Jährige aus Sicherheitsgründen gewählt hat. more...

  • September 22, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Mahlzeit mit einem Mörder: Haji Mohammad Mohaqeq auf Deutschland-Besuch
    Weltexpress: Haji Mohammad Mohaqeq ist einer derjenigen, die Politik als Fortsetzung des Krieges am Kantinentisch betreiben. Wen wundert es, daß die Bundesregierung, genauer: das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), diesen Mann am Mittwoch zu einem Mittagessen empfängt. Eingeladen wurden zu dieser Mahl mit Mohaqeq zudem die Mitglieder des Ausschusses für Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit im Bundestag. more...

  • September 18, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile Eine Afghanin erzählt: »Ich habe nichts zu verlieren«
    EPO: Sie ist kultiviert und redegewandt, sie ist schön. Wäre sie in einemeuropäischen Land und nicht in Afghanistan geboren, hätte sie wahrscheinlich eine Familie, einen Beruf, würde gerade Karriere machen, mit Freundinnen lachen oder ihr Baby pampern. Sie nennt sich Zoya. Aber sie heißt nicht so. Sie posiert auch nicht lächelnd vor Kameras, obwohl sie ein Buch über ihr Schicksal geschrieben hat. Sie dreht ihnen den Rücken zu, denn was sie tut, könnte sie das Leben kosten. Zoya erzählt grauenvolle Geschichten von alltäglicher Gewalt. Von gesteinigten, vergewaltigten Frauen, von Verhungernden und Ermordeten. Sie ist Mitglied von RAWA, einer afghanischen Untergrundorganisation für Frauen (The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan).  more...

  • September 18, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile „Nach einem Demonstrationszug durch die Innenstadt beginnt ab 13 Uhr 30 die Hauptkundgebung, für die wir Zoya als Vertreterin der Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) ebenso gewinnen konnten wie den ehemaligen Generalsekretär der katholischen Friedensbewegung Pax Christi und den Bezirksgeschäftsführer von ver.di Stuttgart, Bernd Riexinger“ gab Dieter Lachenmayer, Koordinator des Friedensnetz Baden-Württemberg am Dienstag bekannt. more...

  • June 24, 2008 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile
    RAWA: De Revolutionaire Vereniging van de Vrouwen van Afghanistan (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan / RAWA) zendt een groep van 21 zieke Afghaanse kinderen naar de VS voor behandeling. Deze 7 jongens en 14 meisjes zijn tussen 6 en 12 jaar oud. Ze hebben problemen zoals hartziekten, gevolgen van brandwonden, doofheid enzovoort. more...

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