- MARIAM RAWI, Feminista Afganesa: «Les dones hem estat traïdes pel govern dels EUA i els seus aliats»March 22, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileA l'Afganistan Mariam Rawi es mou amb una certa llibertat dins l'abominable burca, el símbol de l'opressió femenina, que li permet protegir la seva identitat i continuar la lluita per l'establiment d'un govern laic i democràtic. És una contradicció? Segurament, però en tot cas ella la vol traslladar a l'opinió pública mundial que potser ha cregut amb massa facilitat que la situació de les dones ha millorat amb la fi del règim talibà. more...
March 22, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileMariam Rawi no se llama Mariam Rawi pero me hablan en inglés sus ojos del exilio: su juventud madura crecida en el destierro forma parte de la Asociación Revolucionaria de las Mujeres de Afganistán (RAWA), una organización feminista creada en 1977 cuando Osama Bin Laden era el interventor de la guerrilla afgana contra la URSS, a sueldo de Estados Unidos. more...
March 20, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileLa activista afgana defensora de los derechos humanos y feminista, Mariam Rawi está de gira por Europa, invitada por diversos colectivos, entre ellos, los antimilitaristas del Movimiento de Objeción de Conciencia (MOC) y la asociación Mueres de Negro de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Mariam Rawi es un nombre ficticio. Por cuestiones de seguridad, las activistas de la Asociación Revolucionaria de las Mujeres de Afganistán (RAWA) tienen que ocultar su identidad. more...
March 19, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile"La educación es la llave para cambiar la situación de las mujeres de mi país", afirmó Mariam Rawi, activista de la Asociación Revolucionaria de Las Mujeres de Afganistán (RAWA). Debido a las amenazas que sufren allí las feministas, se ven obligadas a emplear nombres falsos como el de Mariam Rawi. "No podemos trabajar abiertamente", afirmó esta activista durante una entrevista en el programa El Correíllo de CANARIAS AHORA RADIO. more...
March 11, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileHoje, 8 de Março, as mulheres Afgãs estão de luto pelas violações colectivas inflingidas a Bashiras e Saimas, por serem chicoteadas pelos sujeitos mais retrógrados, por serem leiloadas no mercado público e pelas suas jovens filhas que põem um fim às suas vidas miseráveis através da auto-imolação. Mas os perpetradores de todos estes crimes são perdoados;e por isso disfrutam de completa imunidade, continuando a manter as suas posições oficiais à custa do saque do nosso povo e do nosso país. more...
March 9, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileHoy 8 de marzo, las mujeres afganas están de luto por las violaciones colectivas que sufren Bashiras y Saimas, porque las azotan los sujetos más retrógrados, porque las subastan en mercados al aire libre y porque sus jóvenes hijas se inmolan para acabar con sus vidas de miseria. Mientras tanto, los autores de todos estos crímenes disfrutan del perdón legal y de toda la impunidad, manteniéndose en sus cargos oficiales a costa del saqueo contra nuestro pueblo y nuestro país. more...
March 9, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOggi, 8 marzo, le donne afghane stanno ancora piangendo per gli stupri di gruppo subiti dalle tante Bashiras e Saimas, per essere bastonate in pubblico dai più schifosi figuri, per essere messe in vendita come merci al mercato, e per le loro giovani figlie che mettono fine a una vita miserabile autoimmolandosi. Ma chi perpetra questi crimini è perdonato: gode della completa immunità e riveste incarichi pubblici, ai quali sta avvinghiato saccheggiando la nostra gente e il paese. more...
March 9, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobileنن ورځ د مارچ اتمه، د افغانستان ښځې د بشیره گانو او سامعه گانو باندی د تيري په ماتم، د بنسټپالو عناصرو په وسيله د دورې (شلاق) د وهلو له درده، د لوڼو د تالان كولو، په اور كې سوزولو او ايرې كولو له كبله سوزي او د دغو ټولو بې شرمانه جناياتوعاملين د بخښنې او عفو وړ ګرځيدلي دي او د كومې پوښتنې له وېرې پرته او ډار څخه د خپل موقعيت د ساتنې، غښتلي كولو او د وګړو پر تالان بوخت دي. more...
March 8, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileToday, on the 8th of March, Afghan women are mourning for the gang-rape of Bashiras and Saimas, for being flogged by most lowed elements, for being auctioned in open market and for their young daughters who put an end to their miserable lives by self-immolation. But the perpetrators of all these crimes are forgiven; therefore they enjoy complete immunity, are still holding their official positions and tightening it through plundering our people and country. more...
March 7, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobileامروز هشتم مارچ، زنان افغانستان در عزای تجاوز بر بشیره ها و صائمه ها، از درد شلاق خوردن توسط فرومایه ترین عناصر، از به حراج رفتن و در آتش سوختن و خاکستر شدن دخترانشان می سوزند و عاملین این همه جنایات بیشرمانه مورد عفو قرار گرفته و بدون هراس از بازخواست مصروف حفظ و تحکیم موقعیت شان و غارت مردم اند. البته نمیتوان از فاسد ترین و کثیفترین دولت پوشالی دنیا، انتظاری غیر از این داشت. more...
February 26, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileNous avons rencontré Mariam Rawi, de l’organisation des femmes progressistes afghane (RAWA), après une conférence à Gand. C’est une femme tenace et engagée qui a de multiples cordes à son arc : militante, enseignante dans les camps de réfugiés au Pakistan et une célèbre rédactrice internationale : The Guardian, The Japan Times, El Pais, Z-Magazine, ont publié ses articles. L’un d’eux a été publié dans plus d’une centaine de journaux dans le monde. more...
February 20, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileTampoco puede dar a conocer su verdadero nombre y se hace llamar Mehmuda Hakim. Todo por motivos de seguridad. Es lo que conlleva trabajar en la Asociación Revolucionaria de Mujeres de Afganistán (RAWA), una organización independiente y feminista que lucha por la paz, la libertad, los Derechos Humanos, los derechos de las mujeres y la justicia social en ese país. Esta joven afgana, de 27 años, entró en contacto con RAWA en un campo de refugiados en Pakistán, donde vivió seis años. De regreso a Afganistán siguió su trabajo como militante. Hace unos días visitó Zaragoza para dar a conocer la realidad de su país. more...
February 9, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileDe komst van de buitenlandse troepen in Afghanistan heeft de situatie voor de vrouwen in het land geen goed gedaan. Dat is de boodschap die Mariam Rawi (die onder een schuilnaam werkt en onherkenbaarop de foto wenste te staan, cdm), activiste van de Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), de wereld in stuurt. more...
February 9, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileMariam (prénom d’emprunt) milite dans un groupe féministe en Afghanistan. D’après la Revolutionary association of the women of Afghanistan (RAWA), peu de choses ont changé depuis le renversement des Talibans. Pour que la situation évolue, l’association appelle l’otan à ne plus intervenir dans la politique afghane. more...
January 23, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileMehmuda Hakim no es su verdadero nombre. Por su seguridad, tampoco puede mostrar su rostro. Esta mujer de 27 años y militante de Rawa (Asociación Revolucionaria de Mujeres de Afganistán), visita Zaragoza, invitada por el colectivo feminista Las del 8, para contar la lucha por la libertad que muchas de sus compatriotas llevan a cabo desde que, en 1977, los talibanes tomaron el poder. more...
January 23, 2010 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileTexto de la charla-coloquio convocada por Mujeres de Negro Contra las Guerras-Madrid en el Instituto de la Juventud el día 21 de enero de 2010, y ofrecida por una representante de RAWA (Asociación de Mujeres Revolucionarias Afganas) que se hace llamar Mehmuda y cuya identidad real se mantiene en anonimato por razones de seguridad. more...
December 21, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileI was talking about Afghanistan the other day and it was pointed out that the USA has an obligation to stay in Afghanistan because of the Taliban’s religious fundamentalism and atrocious treatment of women.... women of Afghanistan want freedom and human rights. In fact they have been fighting for them for a long time.... RAWA continued to stand for democracy, human rights, and secular values. more...
December 8, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOn the 14th of November 2009 a solidarity fund raiser was held to support the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). The fund raiser was held as part of the ‘Edinburgh Anti-Militarist’ week long event to oppose the Annual General meeting of NATO which took place in Edinburgh between the 13th to the 17th of November this year. more...
December 6, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA, the nation’s oldest and most illustrious feminist group, opposes the U.S. occupation. RAWA argues that the real enemy of women’s rights in Afghanistan is religious fundamentalism.... RAWA sees the U.S. occupation entrenching a regime stuffed to the gills with fundamentalists, reactionaries, misogynists, criminals, and warlords. more...
December 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, is an underground women’s organization and one of the groups that predicted a long, deadly engagement. Zoya is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of RAWA and she joined us to talk about what would really be best for the women–and all the people–of Afghanistan. more...
December 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileZoya, a 28-year-old member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), travels the world to speak out against the Northern Alliance, the Taliban, and the U.S./NATO occupation of her country. Representing RAWA’s Foreign Committee, Zoya spoke at the Des Moines Public Library on October 6. more...
November 17, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobilePolitics. Love. Sexuality. Oppression. These were the recurring themes in Andrea Gibson’s slam poetry performance last Thursday evening. Her performance, played before a nearly full house, was a benefit event for the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). All of the ticket sales and donations from the evening supported RAWA. more...
November 11, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileThe women of Afghanistan, after eight years of occupation, offer conflicting advice, depending on their position in society. If the women are in Kabul, are educated and affluent, and have family members in office or are part of the government, they sometimes say, “our safety is in danger if U.S. troops leave." If the women are in the countryside (and 90% are) they say, “get the troops out now. Our rights, our freedoms, our safety have not improved in eight years of occupation — and the occupation fuels the insurgency.” more...
November 9, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileThe 2002 book “Zoya’s Story: An Afghan Woman’s Struggle for Freedom” describes a life under the Taliban where women were largely confined to their homes and barred from working or going to school. .... Recently Zoya was in our area and VPR’s Steve Zind spoke with her. He began by asking her about the situation for women in Afghanistan today. more...
November 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileA few Sundays ago I attended a meeting at the Friends Meeting House in Amesbury. I listened to a talk by Zoya, an Afghani woman who is touring America as a representative of Revolutionary Association of Afghanistan Women (RAWA). Zoya spoke of the terrible conditions that prevail in her country, conditions such as gang rape, kidnapping, forced marriages, illiteracy, poor drinking water, lack of electricity, doctors and hospitals. more...
October 31, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobilethepeoplesvoice.org: Afghan women reveal censored view of occupations, false liberations, tell U.S. and allies to get out of their country. The people of the world should know that though the disgusting, ludicrous and oppressive rule of Taliban was over in our ill-fated Afghanistan, this never means the end of the horrible miseries of our tortured women. more...
October 21, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileAs the White House debates on how best to continue the war, an Afghan women’s rights activist who goes by the name Zoya, is touring the United States with the message that the occupation must end and that the US is not acting in the interests of ordinary Afghans. more...
October 19, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileZoya, whose name has not been revealed in order to protect her identity, has been touring the United States in an effort to spread the message of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, a woman’s rights group. Women have traditionally been treated as a subclass in Afghanistan, and under Taliban rule, were denied access to many basic rights, such as education. more...
October 17, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOpen Media Boston: The keynote speech will be given by "Zoya" an Afghan activist from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). The Kabul based activist is on a bi-coastal speaking tour of the U.S. including Saturday’s Copley Square rally, Newton, MA on Sunday, Medford, MA and Portsmouth NH on Monday and then Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA. more...
October 16, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileCommonDreams: Brave New Foundation partnered with the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), which requested a total of $15,000 to ensure that every family in the refugee camp would receive oil, rice, sugar, and blankets. All funds went directly to RAWA. The funds were raised due to the generosity of Brave New Foundation members in a short period of two weeks. more...
October 14, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileEight years following the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, the human rights situation has not improved, Zoya, a representative of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, said in a lecture in Carpenter hall on Tuesday. Zoya, who does not disclose her full name for security purposes, described how her organization seeks to promote peace, democracy and human rights in her lecture, “War and Reconstruction from the Perspective of Afghanistan’s Revolutionary Women.” more...
October 12, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOn the 8th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Her identity is hidden for her safety. Zoya, a young woman from Afghanistan spoke recently in Des Moines about the tragic situation in that country. She spoke on behalf of RAWA, The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. Watch and listen to the passion, truth and courage of her message. No more troops. No more violence. No more war. more...
October 9, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileThe Des Moines Register: As the young Afghan woman saw it, she had three choices in the face of the repression and violence ... She could flee to America to live with relatives. She could commit suicide, as so many other despondent young Afghans were doing. Or she could do what she did and take what she calls “the way of struggle,” by joining the resistance. more...
October 8, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileThe Daily Iowan: Although she answers to “Zoya,” it is not her real name. As a speaker for Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan, a group pushing women’s rights, she must keep her identity a secret. The 28-year-old spoke to a group of roughly 60 UI students and community members at the Pappajohn Business Building on Monday night. more...
October 7, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileDemocracy Now: We turn now to a voice from Afghanistan. Zoya is a member of the radical underground organization called RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. She was a child during the Soviet invasion of her country. As a teenager, the mujahideen or warlords killed her activist parents. She fled with her grandmother to a refugee camp in neighboring Pakistan but later returned to her country to document life under Taliban rule. more...
October 3, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileAfghan Women’s Mission: Afghan Women’s Mission is pleased to announce a nation-wide tour of Zoya, a member of RAWA in October 2009, exactly 8 years after the start of the US war. Zoya will share the message of RAWA in New York, Washington DC, Boston, Iowa, Los Angeles, Berkeley, and San Francisco. more...
September 27, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileIf we glance back at history, US governments have never brought “peace” and “democracy” in any country. It has only forced war on countless countries, causing destruction, killing and disasters. Afghanistan is no exception. Everyone knows that the so-called “war on terror” of the US and allies is just a fake. It is an open secret today that all of the terrorist bands in Afghanistan and region, from Osama to Al-Qaeda, Taliban and Mujahideen warlords are products of the Cold War-era White House. more...
August 24, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileAs the government of Afghanistan, under the watchful eye of Washington, prepared for its second national election since the U.S. invasion of 2001, we sat down with Shazia, a Kabul resident and member of the powerful organization RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. We wanted to ask her about the current situation in her country, and the experiences of women under the regime of Hamid Karzai and his American backers. more...
August 20, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileEarlier this month, I had the opportunity to talk with Shazia Shekib (an alias), a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. She was in the US to speak at the Veterans for Peace National Convention and share her on-the-ground perspective on the war in Afghanistan. We talked about RAWA’s take on the US strategy for Afghanistan, and the debate in the US about how to best serve women’s rights in Afghanistan. more...
July 9, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileFondée en 1977, l’Association révolutionnaire des femmes afghanes (RAWA) est la plus vieille organisation politique active en Afghanistan. Sa « priorité est l’établissement d’un régime démocratique et laïc », fondé sur l’autodétermination du peuple afghan et où les droits des femmes seraient reconnus. more...
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