February 14, 2025 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) honored the memory of Meena on the 38th anniversary of her martyrdom. The event took place in one of Afghanistan’s provinces under strict security conditions, as the bloodthirsty Taliban relentlessly seek to silence the voices of women’s resistance and protest. The venue was decorated with images of the martyred Meena, other courageous women, and banners bearing powerful slogans. One banner featured a photo of Palestinian activist Khalida Jarrar, while another displayed images of two political prisoners in Iran with the slogan: “We stand with Varisheh Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi! No to the execution of revolutionary women!” more...
January 23, 2025 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: From September 25, 2024, Shakiba, a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), visited Italy for two months at the invitation of the Italian Organization for the Coordination of Support for Afghan Women (CISDA) and ISP (Insieme Si Può – Together We Can). During this tour, she was invited to over 15 cities to participate in meetings, conferences, public gatherings, and discussions with students, university faculty, and the general public. Additionally, she conducted numerous interviews with journalists from print and broadcast media, which were widely disseminated. more...
August 20, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: From June 9 to 26, 2024, a RAWA representative was invited to Japan by “Friends of RAWA - Japan”. The tour provided an excellent opportunity for Japanese citizens, media outlets, progressive organizations, and individuals to gain first-hand insights into the dire situation in Afghanistan. It also shed light on how the U.S. and Western policies of appeasement and imperialist maneuvers are enabling fundamentalism in the region. Shamim, a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), represented millions of girls whose lives have been devastated by the brutal Taliban regime. more...
July 5, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOn July 3, 2024, The Guardian reported a shocking case of Taliban’s sexual assault on a female prisoner. Taliban insurgents filmed a gang rape of a female prisoner and sent it to her later, threatening her that if she did not remain silent it would be released. This woman courageously sent the clip to several media outlets, including Rukhshana. On June 25, 2024, The Guardian also covered cases of rape and sexual harassment of girls who were detained and assaulted by brutal enforcers of the moral policing for the “crime” of not obeying “Islamic hijab”. more...
May 18, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) responded swiftly to the crisis by dispatching a health team, including female doctors, equipped with medical supplies and sanitary materials. After a night and day of traveling through the long and flood-damaged road, the medical team reached the district of Burka, but the Taliban did not allow them to go to the village of Fullol to treat the injured and survivors of this heartbreaking incident. more...
March 8, 2024 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileThe Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) celebrated the 8th of March, the International Women’s Day in Afghanistan. This gathering took place amidst the Taliban’s attempts to ban women’s activities through threats, pressure, and suppression, aiming to silence their voices of protest and crush their fighting spirit. Nevertheless, our resilient women have played a significant role in the fight against fascism and fundamentalism with courage and awareness. more...
August 15, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileTwo years ago, the nightmare of Taliban’s takeover engulfed the people who have been treachery-stricken and fundamentalism-bitten for many decades now. On this day, by the bloody hands of the US and Western imperialism Afghanistan was once again taken from the filthy claw of its Jihadi servants and technocrats, and was put into the jaws of its Taliban predators. more...
February 4, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOn February 3, 2023, RAWA held a gathering in Afghanistan on the occasion of Meena’s martyrdom anniversary. Meena, the shining star of the Afghan women’s revolutionary struggles and the founding leader of RAWA, was assassinated on February 4, 1987 in the city of Quetta, Pakistan. more...
August 14, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: A year has passed since the reinstalment of the fanatic Taliban back to power. It was easily predictable that women and girls would be the prime victims of this barbaric rule and are facing devastating and inhumane suppression in all areas of life. However, the women of our country proved that no force could impose their reactionary ideologies or hold them captive inside their homes. Afghan women made history by raising the flag of struggle against the Taliban and for freedom and justice. Since the first days of Taliban’s takeover, these women protested on the streets without any fear of guns or whiplashes; they were suppressed, threatened, and humiliated, but bravely continued their fight. more...
July 5, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOn 22 June 2022, a 5.9 magnitude earthquake struck Argoon and Barmal districts of Paktika province and Sapera district of Khost province in east of Afghanistan. RAWA decided to send the mobile health teams immediately so that within our limited means, we can at least help the women and girls who are usually not supported during such tragedies in the male-dominated society. We made sure to address both the physical and mental trauma afflicted upon the victims. more...
March 8, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileThe Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) believes that March 8 is the day to raise the call for justice and renew commitment to organizing a serious and united struggle of women to eradicate the roots of oppression and injustice in this patriarchal society. So let us not allow the reactionism and imperialism, by taking this day hostage, empty it of its combative content to the point of making a fuss and expressing false love to women in order to hide their misogynist nature behind it. Let us unite and put an end to gender oppression with progressive and radical demands. more...
March 6, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobile„Die Afghan Women’s Revolutionär Assoziation (RAWA) gratuliert den leidenden und militanten Frauen der Welt zum Internationalen Frauentag, glaubt aber, dass der 8. März der Tag ist, um den Ruf nach Gerechtigkeit zu erheben und die Verpflichtung zu erneuern, einen ernsthaften und vereinten Kampf der Frauen zu organisieren und die Wurzeln von Unterdrückung und Ungerechtigkeit der patriarchalischen Gesellschaft auszurotten. Lassen wir nicht zu, dass Reaktion und Imperialismus, indem sie diesen Tag als Geisel nehmen, ihn seines kämpferischen Inhalts entleeren, bis er Aufhebens macht und falsche Liebe zu Frauen zum Ausdruck bringt, um ihre frauenfeindliche Natur dahinter zu verbergen. more...
February 4, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRosa Luxemburg Foundation: Meena Keshwar Kamal (Meena) was a revolutionary political activist, poet, feminist, and founder of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). She was born in Kabul on February 27, 1957. Living among a Pashtun middle-class elite in urban Kabul initially provided Meena with protection and social educational opportunities denied to many other Afghan women. According to the World Bank, the literacy rate for women aged 15 and older was 5% in 1979. Those who did not live in urban centers in particular had few opportunities for education. more...
February 4, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOn February 4, 2022, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) commemorated the 35th anniversary of the martyrdom of Meena, the founding leader of RAWA. The program was attended by a number of members and supporters of RAWA from different parts of Afghanistan. There were speeches, poetry, revolutionary songs, as well as excerpts of received solidarity messages from different world progressive organizations, parties and individuals. more...
February 4, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Meena Keshwar Kamal («Meena») war eine revolutionäre politische Aktivistin, Dichterin, Feministin und Gründerin der Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). Sie wurde am 27. Februar 1957 in Kabul geboren. Das Leben in einer paschtunischen Mittelklasse-Elite im urbanen Kabul bot Meena zunächst Schutz und gesellschaftliche Bildungsmöglichkeiten, die vielen anderen afghanischen Frauen verwehrt blieben. Nach Angaben der Weltbank lag die Alphabetisierungsrate von Frauen ab 15 Jahren im Jahr 1979 bei 5 %. Besonders diejenigen, die nicht in urbanen Zentren lebten hatten wenig Chancen auf Bildung. more...
December 14, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileThe U.S. used the slogan of democracy and “war on terror” to promote an imperialist occupation and a corrupt U.S. -backed government for 20 years and to force this government on the Afghan people. The U.S. has shown that it can make peace with the Taliban when it is in its interest. All these governments use the very real need for humanitarian aid to justify diplomatic recognition of the Taliban. more...
December 10, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: Wearing masks of some Afghan women victims of violence and terrorism, a number of RAWA activists organized a protest on the International Human Rights Day under the medieval rule of the Taliban. They chanted slogans against Taliban and vowed to continue their fight for justice and the rights of Afghan women. hey were carrying placards with the following slogans in Persian, Pushto and English. more...
December 10, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: International Human Rights Day comes at a time when Afghanistan is no longer facing "human rights catastrophe" but the complete collapse of its human life. After the United States and NATO betrayed our people again and handed over Afghanistan to their Taliban minion, as expected, the so-called "achievements" of twenty years collapsed in twenty minutes, and made our people face an all-encompassing and unprecedented crisis. more...
November 25, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: November 25, 2021, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) held a gathering with the participation of a number of its members and supporters under the misogynist and medieval rule of the Taliban. RAWA commemorates this day as the United States and its allies once again handed over power to the bloodthirsty Taliban, and now the countries of the region and the West are dealing with these killers for their strategic interests. Despite all the apparent “concern”, what is of no value to them is the fate of the people, especially the suffering women of Afghanistan. more...
October 7, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: The United States and NATO are talking about a “strategic failure” in Afghanistan after twenty years of war and the massacre of tens and thousands of innocent Afghans and handing over Afghanistan with $85 billion worth of weapons and military equipment to their Taliban stooges. Today, Afghanistan is in a more catastrophic state than in 2001, in the grip of terrorism, barbarism, drug mafia, foreign intervention and other devastating miseries, and is facing economic collapse, poverty and mass exodus of its citizens. Meanwhile, the situation of Afghan women under the Taliban’s medieval oppression is the most painful. more...
October 5, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileEl Salto: En este Podcast de El Salto Radio escuchamos desde Afganistán el testimonio de Sana Talash, estudiante de la universidad de Kabul y activista de la Asociación Revolucionaria de Mujeres de Afganistán (RAWA), sobre como el nuevo gobierno talibán está desplegando una estrategia represiva en contra de los derechos de las mujeres y de quienes se oponen al régimen fundamentalista. more...
October 1, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileTowards Freedom: From the U.S. military intervention launched under the banner of democracy and human rights to restored warlords and the resuscitated Taliban regime, Afghan women have never stopped fighting for their rights.When Taliban forces entered Kabul on August 15, appearing to have taken control of Afghanistan two weeks before the United States was set to complete its troop withdrawal, shock and fear for women’s fate under the Islamist group’s repressive rule quickly multiplied inside the country and globally. more...
September 18, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileTu Eliges: Persecuciones, conflictos, violencia, pánico, violaciones de los derechos humanos y muertes. Estos son algunos de los constantes eventos que se vienen registrando en Afganistán, luego de la retirada de las tropas estadounidenses de su territorio y la toma de Kabul por parte de los talibanes. Los fundamentalistas religiosos vuelven a imponer su reinado de terror, como ya lo hicieran hace más de veinte años. more...
September 8, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileNovara Media: From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban held power over roughly three-quarters of Afghanistan and enforced a strict interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic, law. During that period, they oversaw the oppression of women, banning them from public life and subjecting them to violence. But this time they claim their rule will be different. Taliban spokesmen have insisted they will respect women’s rights to education and to work, within an Islamic framework. more...
September 4, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileND: In den sozialen Medien sind einige Bilder aufgetaucht, auf denen Frauen mit Waffen zu sehen sind. Einige von ihnen gehörten zu Kriegsherren wie Dostum, andere waren sogenannte Aktivistinnen der Zivilgesellschaft. In der Provinz Bamiyan etwa trafen sich einige sogenannte zivilgesellschaftliche Aktivistinnen mit Polizeibeamten weit weg von der Frontlinie und posierten mit ihren Waffen in der Hand für ein Fotoshooting. Sie verbreiteten das Foto in den sozialen Medien und verglichen sich sogar mit den Frauen in Kobane, doch als die Taliban angriffen, more...
September 2, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOCML VP: Queridas hermanas combatientes, queridas camaradas,Nos hemos enterado, con gran preocupación, que los talibanes han vuelto a entrar en Kabul. El régimen títere instaurado por los imperialistas se ha derrumbado como un castillo de naipes. Puede que sea el fin de una guerra, pero ¿de qué paz se puede disfrutar a manos de un régimen religioso fascista y ultra-obscurantista que se está instaurando ? more...
August 31, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileIl Post: Dagli anni Settanta in Afghanistan esiste un gruppo autorganizzato impegnato nella lotta per i diritti delle donne, per la loro autodeterminazione e quella del loro paese: si chiama RAWA, Associazione Rivoluzionaria delle Donne Afghane, e da sempre lavora in clandestinità. Da quarant’anni RAWA – che ai progetti concreti di sostegno e aiuto affianca un intenso lavoro politico – racconta la condizione delle donne afghane, al di là della narrazione retorica, paternalistica o strumentale spesso dominante nel dibattito occidentale. more...
August 30, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOCML VP: Dear fighting sisters! Dear comrades!It is with great concern that we have learned that the Taliban has entered Kabul again. The puppet regime put in place by the imperialists has collapsed like a house of cards. This may be the end of a war, but what peace can you enjoy at the hands of a fascist and ultra-obscurantist religious regime that is being set up ? more...
August 28, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileThe Canary: Following misogynistic Donald Trump’s 2020 sell-out deal with the equally misogynistic Taliban, the big powers have helped restore fundamentalist rule in Afghanistan. That deal included a guarantee by the Taliban to ensure that no group or individual violates the security of the US or its allies within Afghanistan. However, the bombing at Kabul airport by IS-Khorasan (IS-K), which tragically saw at least 169 Afghans killed and many more wounded, put an end to that provision. It was the latest humiliation for the retreating US and its allies. more...
August 26, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileElas Que Lucrem: No último dia 17 de agosto, um grupo de mulheres afegãs foi às ruas em oposição à volta do Talibã ao governo do Afeganistão. “Somos mulheres, queremos nossos direitos: segurança, educação e participação política”, declararam as manifestantes na ocasião. Elas seguravam cartazes em frente a um comboio do grupo extremista e pediam: “Queremos trabalhar! Nenhuma força vai sufocar as mulheres.”Com o retorno do grupo fundamentalista ao poder, após a retirada das forças americanas, os direitos conquistados pelas afegãs nos últimos 20 anos estão em risco e elas sabem disso. Mas a resistência das mulheres do país não é algo novo. more...
August 25, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOCML VP: C’est avec beaucoup d’inquiétudes que nous avons appris que les Talibans étaient de nouveau entrés dans Kaboul. Le régime fantôche mis en place par les impérialistes s’est effondré comme un château de carte. C’est peut-être la fin d’une guerre, mais de quelle paix pourrez-vous jouir entre les mains d’un régime religieux fasciste et ultra-obscurantiste qui se met en place ? more...
August 25, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOCML VP: Chères soeurs combattantes, chères camarades,C’est avec beaucoup d’inquiétudes que nous avons appris que les Talibans étaient de nouveau entrés dans Kaboul. Le régime fantôche mis en place par les impérialistes s’est effondré comme un château de carte. C’est peut-être la fin d’une guerre, mais de quelle paix pourrez-vous jouir entre les mains d’un régime religieux fasciste et ultra-obscurantiste qui se met en place ? more...
August 24, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: Mobileil manifesto: Afghanistan. Intervista a una delle attiviste di Rawa, la storica Associazione rivoluzionaria delle afghane fondata nel 1977: «È un macabro scherzo sostenere che democrazia e diritti di genere fossero gli obiettivi degli Usa e della Nato. La mentalità dei taliban non è cambiata e non cambierà mai. Continueremo a lottare per un Afghanistan libero indipendente, laico, democratico e giusto» more...
August 23, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOrganization Upgrade: The fall of the Afghan puppet government of Ashraf Ghani was inevitable. US military and government officials knew for years the extent of the corruption inside the Afghan government, military, and security forces. It was just a matter of time.As Taliban insurgents surgically carved their way through Afghanistan, toppling one provincial capital after another, the US mainstream media from the left and the right slammed President Joe Biden’s response as a “failure of intelligence.” In fact, the CIA raised the possibility of a swift Taliban takeover following the collapse of the Afghan government, but one thing above all else is true – Biden was 100% correct: the troops needed to be withdrawn. more...
August 23, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileMezopotamya: ANKARA - Afganistan’da 3 gazetecinin kaçırıldığını, sokakların boşaldığını, tüm kamu kurumlarının kapalı olduğunun bilgisini veren RAWA üyesi kadın, ülkenin altın bir tepside Taliban’a sunulduğunu ve mücadele için Rojavalı kadınları örnek aldıklarını söyledi. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin (ABD) işgal ettiği Afganistan topraklarından çekileceğini açıklaması ardından Taliban, 20 yıl sonra yeniden ülkede hakimiyet kurdu. Kısa sürede hızlı bir ilerleyiş sergileyen Taliban, başkent Kabil’i ele geçirerek ülke yönetimine el koydu. Taliban’ın ilk yasakları kadınlar için getirildi. Ülkede kız çocuklarının okula, kadınların da çalışma hayatında yer alması kısıtlandı. more...
August 23, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileOCML VP: C’est une plaisanterie de dire que des valeurs comme les "droits des femmes", la "démocratie", la "construction de la nation", etc. faisaient partie des objectifs des États-Unis et de l’OTAN en Afghanistan !Afghan Women’s Mission a pris contact avec RAWA pour répondre à leurs besoins en cette période d’urgence. Dans ce bref entretien avec la codirectrice de l’AWM, Sonali Kolhatkar, RAWA explique la situation sur le terrain telle qu’elle la voit. Cliquez ICI pour faire un don à RAWA maintenant. more...
August 17, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileNureva Revolucion: Mariam Rawi (nombre ficticio) es activista de la Asociación Revolucionaria de Mujeres de Afganistán (RAWA, por sus siglas en inglés), organización abiertamente feminista y secular que lleva más de cuarenta años luchando desde la clandestinidad contra la ocupación soviética, el régimen talibán, la ocupación de la OTAN y ahora vuelve a afrontar un futuro de fundamentalismo religioso. En esta entrevista realizada el pasado lunes 16, Mariam Rawi nos habla de RAWA y de la situación a la que se enfrentan ahora Afganistán y, especialmente, las mujeres. more...
March 8, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email :: MobileRAWA: It has been more than forty years that we are commemorating 8th March in the defenseless and ever betrayed Afghanistan. This year, the situation in our country is more disastrous than ever because the US with its hyena, Zalmai Khalilzad, wants to bring its medieval Taliban mercenaries back to life to rule over the people of Afghanistan, so that it can show the world once more, that the Afghan people deserve even more brutal rulers than Jehadi fundamentalists more...