Some 400 women and girls attended the RAWA protest procession
The participants were carrying large posters depicting the destruction
and devastation and violation of human rights in Afghanistan
A large number of war widows and orphans were among the participants
Children of RAWA schools also chanted slogans demanding restoration
of human rights in Afghanistan.
The demonstrators were addressed by RAWA activists amidst slogans
chanted against Taliban and Jehadi fundamentalists.
Gathering in front of the United Nations Headquarters in Islamabad,
RAWA members handed a RAWA statement to the concerned officials and demanded
that the UN use all means and resources to put an end to gross human rights
violations in Afghanistan by the fundamentalists.
Participants carried banners and placards in Pashtu, Persian, Urdu
and English inscribed with slogans denouncing Taliban and all fundamentalist
A large number of Afghan refugee women in Islamabad joined the
protest rally.