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News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Food Distribution by RAWA in some areas of Afghanistan

Recently World Food Program announced that only two percent of population in Afghanistan have enough to eat. WFP warned that Afghanistan is on verge of humanitarian catastrophe and will be "hell on earth" as millions are at risk of starvation.

Despite the fact that people all over our country are in a difficult economic situation and need help, RAWA, with its limited facilities and the support of its friends, tries to provide food to the most deprived families. The aid was distributed by RAWA members and local supporters, after conducting a survey in different areas in Kabul and some other provinces.

Photo shot of beneficiaries was optional. Here are photos of some families who had no objection to be photographed. All the faces are intentionally censored.

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