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News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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The Afghan Freedom-loving Youth Group bring the sweet smell of the Arab Spring in Afghanistan!

The Afghan Freedom-loving Youth Group started a movement of slogan-writing and poster campaign in three different cities of Afghanistan a few days before the dark days of 28th and 27th. A group of youngsters, they claim to be "inspired by the Arab Spring, we want to bring the good news of the Afghanistan Spring to the gloomy atmosphere of our beloved homeland". They have claimed to continue their protests fearlessly and will succeed in freeing Afghanistan from invaders and warlords one day. The youth of Afghanistan cannot be kept in the dark despite the efforts of the US and its stooges, they will rise against the criminal warlords with the backing of our people and annihilate their Mafia-puppet regime! (Photos: www.facebook.com/AfghanYouthGroup)

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