News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • November 30, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    A Glimpse Over Herat, Under Taliban’s Medieval Reign
    RAWA News:After the infamous Doha agreement between the United States and the Taliban led by Zalmai ‘Zalilzad’, we witnessed that most parts of Afghanistan were handed over to the Taliban within a few weeks and all of Herat’s districts were no exception, including Qala-e-Islam port. The illusional war and the government’s delusive pretense of the so-called “defense”, lasted only two weeks in the outskirts of the city.      Full news...

  • November 25, 2021 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The government of fear does not last
    Daily 8am: Since the fall of Kabul on August 15, a new round of assassinations and terrorist attacks has begun in the country. The military and employees of the former government were the main victims of these assassinations. They have no security anywhere in Afghanistan. Assassinations of soldiers, tribal elders and civilians are reported daily from different parts of the country.      Full news...

  • September 30, 2020 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Pregnant Afghan Woman Shot Dead in Faryab
    BBC Persian (translated by RAWA) : Local officials of Faryab province in the north of Afghanistan, has confirmed that a pregnant women in Pashtun Kot district which is a “Taliban- controlled area”, was first taken out of car and then shot dead by unidentified gunmen in front of her two kids.      Full news...

  • July 11, 2020 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Gul Aram’s resistance against Taliban terrorists
    RAWA News: On June 22, 2020, Taliban attack on the Sartagab village in the Paatoyi district of Daikundi province was met with resistance. In the battle, a woman named Gul Aram also took up arms and defended her people against the mercenaries of Pakistan and was wounded in the shoulder.      Full news...

  • May 7, 2020 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Abdul Baari never returned, his mother: “Iranian border guards have no mercy”
    Etilaat Roz (Translated by RAWA): The sound of crying from a poor hut in the Tanke Maulawi area of Herat has not been silenced for several days. They lost their only breadwinner in an accident. Iranian border guards allegedly threw Afghan refugees into a river after torturing them. Abdul Baari was 19-years-old and gathered his courage to smuggle himself into Iran to find work. Little did he know that he was not to return and his trip would bring back his dead body for his loved ones and a world of grief for his mother.      Full news...

  • April 10, 2020 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban kill five central bank workers in western Afghanistan (Translated by RAWA): Abdul Wahid Walizada, spokesperson of Herat police said that these workers were abducted and eventually killed by the Taliban in the Ahmadabad village of Kohsan district when they were coming back to Herat city from Islam Qala. Mr. Walizada added that these workers had left for the city without informing the police.      Full news...

  • August 10, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Zahra, beaten by husband who then poured acid on her face (Translated by RAWA): Zahra, a woman who is currently admitted in Isteqlal Hospital (Kabul), claims that her husband first beat her severely and then poured acid on her face. This woman, who has four children, says that her husband had been violent towards her a number of times, but last Friday, he poured acid on her face in front of their children.      Full news...

  • July 30, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Man kills his 9-year-old wife in Afghan province (Translated by RAWA): Local authorities of Badghis province have reported that a man in this province had killed his 9-year-old wife the previous night. Naqibullah Amini, the governor spokesman, said that the girl was named Samia and belonged to the Qadis district and had died as a result of domestic violence. According to him, Samia had been married to Sharafuddin two years back, when she was just seven, in return for 1,000,000 Afghanis. Sharafuddin is 35-years-old now.      Full news...

  • July 29, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    14-year-old Kubra beaten, strangled, then hung to death in Afghanistan
    Ufuq News (Translated by RAWA): Local authorities in Daikundi province have said that a 14-year-old girl was hung to death in the Sang Takht o Bandar district of this province. Ali Akbar Naatiqi, spokesperson for the governor of Daikundi, told Ufuq News that the matter is under criminal investigation but the cause and motive is not yet clear.      Full news...

  • July 14, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Salma, a victim of Ashraf Ghani’s bodyguards’ roughshod riding (Translated by RAWA): Ashraf Ghani’s trip to Laghman province on July 2, 2018, ended up costing Salma her life. Salma, a 13-year-old girl, lived in Mahtarlaam city and came to the main city every day to sell yogurt and earn some money for her poor family. She was hit by a car from Ashraf Ghani’s motorcade.      Full news...

  • July 12, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Woman beaten by local strongman loyal to warlord Bashir Qanet (Translated by RAWA): On July 8, 2018, a woman named Umriaa from the Chah Aab district of Takhar province, was beaten up by the local lord of the area, Mohammadullah. Mohammadullah had led one of Bashir Qanet’s (a Gulbuddini commander) gangs in the past. The painful photo of Umriaa with a bloodied mouth was circulated on the social media.      Full news...

  • June 6, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    AIHRC: More than 64,000 Afghan civilians killed and injured in the past nine years
    BBC Persian (Translated by RAWA): Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has announced that in the past nine years, more than 64,000 civilians have been killed and injured in Afghanistan. Of this, more than 23,000 have been killed and 40,000 injured. With the publication of a report titled “Protecting the Rights of Victims of Armed Conflict and Terrorism”, Sima Samar, head of the AIHRC, said that the report recorded civilian casualties from March 21, 2009 to March 20, 2018.      Full news...

  • February 23, 2018 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Horrifying: woman beaten publicly in northern Afghanistan (Translated by RAWA): On February 1, 2018, a 22-year-old woman named Suraya was beaten publicly in Rabaat Amdeen village of Chah Aab district in northern Takhar province. The woman’s husband is living in Iran, and the woman was accused of having relations with another man. Based on this accusation, Faiz, a local commander and one of Bashir Qanet’s (belonging to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s Hezbe-Islami or Islamic Party) thugs, ordered her to be beaten brutally in public, in a mock court ruling.      Full news...

  • September 10, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    10-year-old girl gang raped by six men, then beheaded in Afghan province
    Khaama Press (Translated by RAWA): Reports from Herat and Helmand provinces state that two young girls were mercilessly killed in these provinces. Local officials in Helmand province stated that six men gang raped a 10-year-old girl and then beheaded her. Omar Zwak, the governor’s spokesperson, said that two men were caught by the locals and they were trying to capture the rest.      Full news...

  • June 14, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Female teacher shot dead in Balkh province
    Roushd News (Translated by RAWA): Authorities of Balkh province say that unknown men shot a female teacher to death in Balkh district of this province. The woman was a teacher in the district and was killed this morning. Sher Jan Durrani, spokesperson of the Balkh police, stated that the woman was 25-years-old.      Full news...

  • June 13, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Woman killed with axe by husband in northern Afghanistan
    Khaama Press (Translated by RAWA): A woman was killed with an axe in northern Sare Pul province, it has been reported. Authorities of the province say the incident occurred during noon in Chashme Shifa area of the province, the day before. Zabiullah Amani, the governor’s spokesperson, also confirmed the incident, saying the husband had escaped. He said efforts are being made to arrest and prosecute him.      Full news...

  • May 18, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Woman tortured with heated tools by husband and in-laws
    TOLOnews (Translated by RAWA): Qadria, a resident of Farkhar district in Takhar province, spoke to TOLOnews on May 18, and revealed the forms of violence she faced from her husband and his relatives. She said that the night before, her mother-in-law, husband, and two brother-in-laws, first accused her of having relations with a man living next door, then locked her in a room; then they tied up her hands and feet and taped her mouth, and tortured her with hot screwdrivers and pliers.      Full news...

  • May 3, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    1000 suicide attempts in one year in Afghan province
    BBC Persian (Translated by RAWA): Doctors in Herat Hospital say that they need a special healthcare center with special equipment to deal with patients who attempt suicide by taking toxic substances. Dr. Aziz ul Rahman Jami, head of the emergency department told BBC that in one year (1395) about 1000 people in Herat province attempted suicide by taking toxic substances. About 30 of these people died while the rest were saved.      Full news...

  • April 16, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    25 cases of suicide attempts in three days in Afghan province
    BBC Persian (Translated by RAWA): Officials in Herat Hospital have reported that 25 people have been admitted in the hospital for suicide attempts in the past three days. Aziz ul Rahman Jami, head of the emergency department said that 90% of these people were women and all the people were below thirty in age. According to him, one woman lost her life and three people are in critical condition.      Full news...

  • March 30, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Man shoots wife dead in eastern Afghanistan
    Khaama Press (Translated by RAWA): Local officials in eastern Afghanistan say that a man has shot his wife dead in Nangarhar province.Acccording to these officials, this incident took place the previous day in Doorbabay district. A man named Rahtmatullah shot his wife multiple times and escaped. Local sources say the cause of the shooting was domestic issues.      Full news...

  • January 29, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban governor transferred to Tajikistan for treament
    Zaranj News (Translated by RAWA): The district chief of Dashte Archi district of northern Kunduz province says that the shadow governor of Kunduz province, who had been injured in a blast, was taken to Tajikistan for treatment with the help of Russians. Nassruddin Nazari said that Mullah Abdul Salam was injured in a suicide blast a week back.      Full news...

  • January 28, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    700 suicide attempts in 8 months in Afghan province
    BBC News (Translated by RAWA): Doctors in Herat hospital of Herat province say that 700 suicide attempts have been recorded in this hospital from the beginning of the solar year, and 33 of these have resulted in death. The methods used included hanging, taking poison and self-immolation.The most recent case was recorded the night before on Friday (27th January) when a 27-year-old hung himself to death.      Full news...

  • December 10, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Ziauddin and Inayatullah, martyred by brutal German forces (Translated by RAWA): On November 10, 2016, at 11 pm, there was a huge blast in Mazar city. The blast occurred in front of the German consulate in Mazar Hotel. The blast was so powerful that the debris was scattered to over one kilometer from the area of the incident. Homes and trade centers around the consulate at a distance of 500 meters suffered great damage. The glass windows of many houses in the city were broken. Contrary to reports by the spokespersons of the filthy government, the number of dead stood at 20 with more than 200 people injured.      Full news...

  • October 7, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The US invasion of Afghanistan has further sunk the region in terrorism! Fifteen years ago, the US and its allies bombarded our defenseless and helpless people, and occupied Afghanistan, under the pretext of “war on terror”. The US military intervention was undoubtedly the beginning of a new chapter of pain, suffering, and misery for our nation, as the Jehadi terrorists replaced the Taliban terrorists, and our country plunged into the abyss of fundamentalism, misogyny, corruption, insecurity, poverty, unemployment, drug trade, pillage of national assets, intervention of neighboring countries, and thousands of other catastrophes.      Full news...

  • September 9, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Iranian police put Afghan refugees inside cages, on public display
    DW Dari (Translated by RAWA): The police of Sheraz city, Iran, put a number of Afghan refugees on public display inside steel cages as part of the police’s achievements. This action drew strong reactions from everywhere. Afghan parliamentarians protested the action calling it against human rights, human dignity, and international law.      Full news...

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