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RAWANEWS, June 19, 2024

Taliban scholar: Teaching women even at homes is prohibited

It has been over 1,000 days since the Taliban banned all girls above 6th grade from attending schools

post of Taliban on X
Post of the spokesperson for the Taliban's Ministry of [anti]Higher Education on X.

Hafiz Ziaullah Hashimi, the spokesperson for the Taliban's Ministry of [anti]Higher Education, shared a video clip of Sheikh Abdul Ali Deobandi on his X profile, labeling it an “important Fatwa.” In the clip, Sheikh Deobandi states that teaching women, even at home, is prohibited because it leads to writing letters to men, which he considers sinful. A Fatwa is an Islamic legal opinion issued by a qualified scholar on specific religious or legal issues.

The full remarks of Sheikh Ali Deobandi:

“Whether a woman is young or old, whether she is from the family or an outsider, she is prohibited from attending congregational prayers because she causes immorality. It is a time of temptation, and people of this time are corrupt. So, teaching women this type of writing, where a woman learns to write, causes corruption. With this skill, she learns affection and starts sending letters to people, similar to how mobile phones are now used in homes, through which women establish inappropriate relationships that increase vice and immorality on the earth. Thus, learning to read and write at home is also prohibited for women, and this trait is not acceptable among our women. If people ask why there are schools in Islamic countries where women learn to read and write, these so-called Islamic countries are only Islamic in name; they are under the influence of non-believers.”

It has been over 1,000 days since the Taliban banned all girls above 6th grade from attending schools and closed all educational centers for women.

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, Women, RAWA News, Education, Taliban Restrictions - Views: 3985