News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • June 28, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan’s widows left in misery under Taliban rule
    EFE: Without a husband or grown-up sons to go out and earn in a highly orthodox and patriarchal Islamist society, widows in Afghanistan are left in a lurch, condemned to poverty on account of increasing restrictions on women by the Taliban. Fatima is the oldest of four widows in a 100 square meter house in the northern state of Kandahar, a few meters from the office of the provincial governor. The other three are her 25- and 30-year-old daughters-in-law – each with four children – and her niece, who has one child.      Full news...

  • June 26, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    UN’s World Drug Report 2023: Afghanistan Produces 80% of World Opium
    Afghanistan International: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said in a new report that there are increasing signs of large methamphetamine manufacture in Afghanistan and expanded trafficking through South Asia for global markets. The World Drug Report 2023 also stated in the report that the bulk of global illicit opium production continues to take place in Afghanistan, wherein in 2022, production reached 6,200 tonnes, equivalent to 80% of the estimated global production.      Full news...

  • June 26, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    UN betrays women in Afghanistan
    Tortoise media: Afghan women working for the UN in Kabul say they have been betrayed by the organisation’s failure to protect them from the Taliban’s gender apartheid. Also in today’s Sensemaker: why an opposition win in Thailand isn’t quite a win.      Full news...

  • June 21, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Plight of women and girls in Afghanistan is “worst in the world” says UN
    THE SCOTSMAN: The opposition party in Afghanistan has "strongly appealed" to the United Nations Security Council and the international community to refrain from legitimising the Taliban regime ahead of the UN’s quarterly meeting on Afghanistan. The National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan (NRCSA) warned international authorities that recognising the Taliban as a legitimate government would be detrimental to the pursuit of peace, stability, and the rights of the Afghan people      Full news...

  • June 6, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    “Embarrassing” dissent cable shows Biden “allowed” Afghanistan to collapse: Rep Issa
    Fox News: Issa said the cable also revealed that “there was no expectation” by the State Department that there would be sustainability in the region and knew that the billions of dollars of U.S. military equipment that was left behind was going to fall into the Taliban’s hands. Issa said the cable went out on July 13, 2021, the response came back a week later on July 20, and Kabul officially fell weeks later on Aug. 15.      Full news...

  • June 2, 2023 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Children bearing the brunt of Afghanistan crisis: UNICEF
    UN News: This year, some 2.3 million Afghan boys and girls are expected to face acute malnutrition. Of this number, 875,000 will need treatment for severe acute malnutrition, a life-threatening condition. Furthermore, around 840,000 pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are likely to experience acute malnutrition, jeopardising their ability to give their babies the best start in life.      Full news...