On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a group of Afghan women staged protest rally in Kabul despite restriction of misogynist Taliban on such gatherings.
Women were chanting slogans “Raise up for your rights!”, “Woman, Life, Unity”, “Silence is a Shame”, “We will fight for our rights” etc…. They were also carrying photos of some women victims of the Taliban brutalities.

The protesters were carrying placards in English, Persian and Pushto languages with the following messages:
“We will Fight for our Rights to the End and we will Never Surrender!”
“Horrific Condition of Afghan Women is a blot of Shame to the World Conscience!”
“Stop the Silence towards Women’s Rights Catastrophe in Afghanistan!”
“Without Active Participation of Women no Society can Progress”
“The US and the West Betrayed Afghan Women!”
“Breaking the Chains of Slavery is Possible by our Unity!”

Taliban gunmen dispersed the protest and a number of women were violently arrested.
The protest was reported by some local media, but later Taliban threatened them to remove the report from their websites and social media pages otherwise they will face the consequences. So, most media outlets had to remove the report.