News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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Etilaat-e-Rooz (Translated by RAWA), June 23, 2022

Taliban arrested a female teacher in Balkh

The group have made it obligatory for women to observe the hijab, and have also punished women who do not observe the Taliban's required hijab.

Sources in Balkh say that Taliban have arrested a female teacher in Mazar-e-Sharif, the provincial capital, for allegedly violating the hijab.

Today (Thursday; June 23, 2022), a source told Etilaat Roz that the woman was arrested two days ago and her fate is still unknown.

According to the source, this woman is called Ustad Mobina and is a teacher of Sultan Razia Girls' School.

The source added that the teacher was arrested by Taliban intelligence in Balkh province on charges of not observing hijab.

According to one of the arrested teacher's student, she is 37 or 38 years old and teaches religious subjects.

A source in the Taliban Education Department in Balkh, who did not want to be identified, confirmed the teacher's arrest.

The source also said that Ustan Mobina had been arrested on charges of "indecency, ill-treatment of other teachers and inciting students to resist Taliban orders."

According to the source, the teacher had also received several warnings from the Taliban.

The Taliban have not yet commented.

The group have made it obligatory for women to observe the hijab, and have also punished women who do not observe the Taliban's required hijab.

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, Women - Views: 3128