News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • March 31, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The burnt body of a former government soldier was found in Herat
    Etlaat-e-Rooz: Relatives of a former government soldier in Herat say he was mysteriously killed and his body burned. He was named Hassan Qanuni and his body was discovered today (Thursday, March 31). Mr. Qanuni’s brother, Said Baqir Sajadi, said his brother had a background in the police force. He also studied pharmacology.      Full news...

  • March 29, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Rights watchdog condemns Taliban for detaining journalists
    Arab News: LONDON: The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the Taliban on Monday for detaining at least seven journalists, warning that the group “must cease detaining journalists for their work and lift all bans on news outlets’ operations.”Since Saturday, the Taliban detained and subsequently released at least seven journalists and media workers, and have ordered local outlets to stop airing content from three international broadcasters.      Full news...

  • March 29, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban’s latest rules: Parks segregated by sex, media access cut, men’s grooming policed
    Global News: The Taliban have issued even more restrictive edicts in Afghanistan, after recent news that the all-male government would prevent girls from attending school after Grade 6, and that women would be disallowed from boarding flights without male chaperones. After the U.S. and NATO evacuated their troops from Afghanistan in mid-August and the country slipped back under Taliban control, the international community has waited to see if this new government would revert back to how the Taliban ruled in the late 1990s.      Full news...

  • March 26, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Women protest against girls’ schools’ closure in Kabul
    Khaama Press: A small group of women took to the streets of Kabul on Saturday, March 26, 2022, to protest against the Taliban’s announcement banning teenage girls from going to schools. The female protestors said access to education is an alienable right of humans and girls likewise the rest of the boys in Afghanistan have the right to get educated.      Full news...

  • March 23, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Protesting students in Kabul: Closing persecution schools is the right of a generation
    Etilaat-e-Rooz: A number of students have rallied in Kabul to protest the Taliban’s decision to block girls’ schools. Those who gathered in a house today chanted slogans such as “No religion restricts education and the ban on educating girls is blatant gender discrimination.” The students urged the Taliban not to be hypocritical about male and female students. They say closing schools is persecution for a generation.      Full news...

  • March 18, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The media spotlight on Afghanistan is fading fast – but the agony of its people is far from over
    The Guardian: In January, some Taliban members in northern Mazār-e-Sharīf city allegedly gang-raped eight women in custody. These women were part of the group of people arrested while trying to flee the country following the Taliban takeover in the wake of the withdrawal of foreign troops. My friends in Kabul told me that the women who survived the gang rape were later killed by their families in the name of “honour” after they were handed over by the Taliban. The rest of the women, they said, were still “missing”.      Full news...

  • March 10, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Poverty and unemployment: a man in Faryab sells his 10-years-old daughter
    Etilaat-e-Rooz: A man in Faryab says unemployment, poverty and misery have forced him to sell his 10-years-old daughter. Assadullah, a resident of Faryab’s Belcheragh district, now lives in Maimana, the provincial capital, with a 10-years-old girl and two younger children. He says, he lost his wife eight months ago and now has a lot of problems with his underage children.      Full news...

  • March 7, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Continuation of mysterious murders: the body of a young girl with her hands tied was found in Kabul
    Afghanistan International: Local sources in Dasht-e-Barchi, Kabul, confirm that the body of a young girl with her hands tied was found in the rubbish in the middle of an alley. The victim has not been identified and Taliban officials have not commented. Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, cases such as killings and kidnappings of civilians have increased, and in recent months the bodies of a number of women have been found around the city of Mazar-e-Sharif.      Full news...

  • March 4, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Discovery of the bodies of two young girls in Balkh; the victims were shot dead
    8am newspaper: Local sources in Balkh province say that two young girls have been mysteriously killed in the province, and their bodies have been found in the Shadian area of Mazar-e-Sharif. According to sources, the bodies of the two girls were found by locals on Thursday, May 12.Local sources told the 8am Newspaper that the girls had been shot dead. The bodies of the two victims were taken to the hospital for autopsy.      Full news...

  • March 2, 2022 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Story of a war and poverty-stricken Afghan widow
    RAWA News: The woman (name protected) shown in the photo is in her 40s and belongs to Chahrdara village of Kunduz province in the northern Afghanistan. Four years ago (2017) when heavy infighting was going on between Ghani government and Taliban rebels in Kunduz, the family escaped the area hoping to build a safer and better life for their children in the capital. Like thousands of other miserable Afghans who became victims of insecurity in Kabul, this family also faced a deep tragedy: she lost her husband in a suicide attack and due to nervous breakdown and a stroke, she became paralyzed in both legs.      Full news...