News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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RAWA News, July 11, 2020

Gul Aram’s resistance against Taliban terrorists

Gul Aram’s determination and courage will undoubtedly be another shining example for the women and men of Afghanistan

On June 22, 2020, a Taliban attack on the Sartagab village in the Paatoyi district of Daikundi province was met with resistance. In the battle, a woman named Gul Aram also took up arms and defended her people against the mercenaries of Pakistan and was wounded in the shoulder. Gul Aram’s determination and courage will undoubtedly be another shining example for the women and men of Afghanistan whose lives, honor and freedom are under threat from the Taliban and other criminal groups.

Gul Aram who resisted Taliban with gun
Gul Aram’s determination and courage will undoubtedly be another shining example for the women and men of Afghanistan

In recent years, several so-called “commanders” have fought under the guise of “popular uprisings” but these battles have been false, deceptive and these commanders were agents of arch criminals who did nothing in the face of the Jehadi and Taliban oppression. If the men and women of our homeland rise like Gul Aram they will break the backs of the Taliban and their Pakistani, American, Iranian and Afghan backers and drive them into the arms of the ISI which holds their leashes.

Our national freedom-fighting movement against the Taliban will be inspired by the will and courage of people like Gul Aram and Asaluddin. This has been proven with the legendary courage of the revolutionary Kurdish women and men of Kobani in their fight against ISIS and the inspirational resistance of the women and men of Iran against their bloodthirsty regime. Our people know that dismantling the US and Pakistan plan of bringing the Taliban brutes to power again is only possible with the unity and struggle of the women and men of Afghanistan.

Khalilzad, Trump’s favorite "con man", is working with his Jehadi partners and the puppet government to impose the savage, drug-dealing, country-seller and mercenaries to Pakistan Taliban with treacherous deals. A darker, more disastrous and destructive cloud than COVID-19 is approaching our country. Only if hundreds and thousands of our people are inspired by Gul Aram and rise, can we free our homeland from the Taliban criminals and other murderous traitors.

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, Women, RAWA News - Views: 7373