News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Girls School Torched In Kabul

Ministry of Education says that at least 700 students are enrolled in Shakardara school

By Sayed Sharif Amiri

A school was set on fire by Taliban militants in Shakardara district in Kabul Province early on Tuesday, the Ministry of Interior said in a statement.

The Boi Hazar Nasiri Girls High School is located in a village in Shakar Dara district, 25 kilometers to the north of the city of Kabul.

Interior Ministry’s spokesman Nusrat Rahimi said the school was torched by the Taliban at around 1:30 am on Tuesday.

The Ministry of Education in a statement said that at least 700 girls were enrolled in the school who were not able to attend their classes on Tuesday.

A local official told TOLOnews that at least 1,500 textbooks were burnt in the incident.

Son of the school’s guard, Noor Agha Nasiri, said that at least 10 armed men were involved in this incident.

Rouhullah, a teacher at the school, said such attacks against schools must stop.

“The enemy cannot stop Afghans from education. We will always stand against them,” Mr. Rohullah said.

A local official said all 22 classes of the school have been damaged in the incident.

“Investigation is underway. No one has been arrested so far. It has been done by those who are against education and Islam,” the Shakardara district governor Shah Mahmood Ibrahimkhail said.

The residents in the area said that the district is insecure and armed group are active in the district.

Local officials said the school had received warnings two times

The Taliban in a statement rejected involvement in the incident.

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, HR Violations, Education - Views: 8301