After 9/11, George Bush and Tony Blair immediately attacked Afghanistan under the excuse of the Taliban’s refusal to hand over Osama bin Laden to the US. Additionally, the Taliban lackeys’ expiration date had been reached and the US planned to take its odious games forward through its Jehadi and technocrat creations, who had been under training and education in CIA schools for years.
But after 2010, when the US decided to have long-term military presence in Afghanistan, it did not see peace as replacement for war. Instead it wanted to attach the Taliban and Gulbuddin to the Karzai(1), and subsequently to Ghani and Abdullah’s government. This would create a government composed of its stooges, these filthy turban and tie wearing traitors, so it could comfortably further its dark plans in the region, and loot Afghanistan and Central Asia’s resources. For this purpose, a group of criminals and national traitors of the Jehadi, Taliban, and Gulbuddini kind – Rasool Sayyaf, Asif Mohsini, Ismail Khan, Maulawi Qalamuddin, Hadi Arghandiwal, Maulawi Arsala Rahmani, Mohammad Musa Hotak, Nemat Shahrani, Hakim Mujahid, Mohaqiq, Maulawi Khyber, Din Mohammad, Siddiqua Balkhi and others – were brought together under the High Peace Council.(2) Although the presence of the people mentioned is enough to prove the treacherous nature of the council, there a few savage murderers that our readers may not know well:

Naeem Kochi is one of the top killers of the Taliban who was released from the Guantanamo Bay four years after his capture due to pressure from Karzai.

Maulawi Shahzada Shahid is a Wahabi by belief, and one of the most loyal ISI agents who called Osama bin Laden a “martyr”.

Atta ul Rahman Saleem, a student of Pakistani madrassas and an experienced ISI spy who was a middleman during Ahmad Shah Massoud’s talks with the Taliban.
Naeem Kochi is one of the top killers of the Taliban who was released from the Guantanamo Bay four years after his capture due to pressure from Karzai. He was one of the masterminds behind the attack on the so-called “special forces” of the NDS in April this year.
Maulawi Shahzada Shahid is a Wahabi by belief, and one of the most loyal ISI agents who called Osama bin Laden a “martyr”. He was the one who revealed that “the funding for 2,400 projects of the Peace Council had been embezzled and that the members of the Council were on the payroll of different embassies”. Naturally, if he had not been a filthy, corrupt mercenary himself he would have exposed this in details,and resigned from the Council to cut himself off from his treacherous brothers and sisters. This terrorist had probably not reached a good deal with his fellow brothers on his cut of the money and had chosen to expose this small case.
Atta ul Rahman Saleem, one of the deputies of the Council, is a former student of Pakistani madrassas and an experienced ISI spy who was a middleman during Ahmad Shah Massoud’s talks with the Taliban.
The activities of most of the members of this Council, who have done nothing but take in huge salaries and spend their time enjoying other countries, are far more shameful than this, but we do not want to mention them. What we will emphasize is how the puppet government is so helpless in the face of the corruption, divisions, and foreign intelligence agencies ties that plagues the country, that not only is it rolling underneath the Taliban and Gulbuddin’s feet, but each member of the Council is shamelessly trying to portray these murderers as “very important”, “popular”, and “influential”, all with the help of the media. By spending their time analyzing and interpreting every little thing that comes out of the mouth of the Taliban leaders, they torment our people.(3) Atta ul Rahman Saleem once shamelessly said, “Peace talks have still not been cancelled. There is hope. We are hopeful that we can continue what we set out to do.” As if our people are dying to make peace with Gulbuddini murderers and are restlessly waiting for him to come to Kabul! When Gulbuddin advised the government “not to lose the opportunity for making peace”, not one person from this degenerate puppet government dared to answer “It would be better if you acid throwing criminal continue to lounge in the lap of your Pakistani masters till the end of your criminal and bloody life, we do not have peace with you traitor, and only the gallows of this nation are awaiting you and your partners”. Similarly, all the mafia “analysts” and spokespersons of the Peace Council followed one another in interpreting and commenting on each and every word of Mullah Haibatullah’s Eid message, and comparing it to previous messages of these ISI mercenaries, without even remarking that this Mullah Haibatullah has no actual authority and is not even literate. Whatever comparisons are made should be between the words and behavior of his Pakistani masters under whose orders these Taliban lackeys are wreaking havoc in our cities and villages day and night. The treacherous government officials are, directly and indirectly, portraying the Taliban and Gulbuddin as forces with whom if peace is not made, the state will face the danger of downfall. But these trumpets of the two criminal gangs never state that it is actually the corrupt puppet government, composed of Jehadi murderers, Taliban and Gulbuddin’s representatives, and agents of CIA, ISI, and VAVAK, that is weak and on the verge of collapse, and not that these two despised gangs are “strong”. This truth is well-understood by the ISI and this is why the appeals of peace by Karzai, and now Ghani and Abdullah, have always been kicked away with humiliation by the ISI.
“Peace”, if, attained by pleading and begging from the Taliban and Gulbuddinis, is not permanent and in the interest of people. It will not be long before this “peace” is replaced with war and countless hardships which will be a brunt upon our already suffering people. We have repeatedly said that real peace is only attainable if the hands of the US occupiers and its allies are cut off from our homeland, all the traitors of every kind from the past forty years is punished, and a democratic government is created as a result of our people’s uprising, as they take their fate into their own hands.

Farooq Wardak, the Gulbuddini murderer who embezzled millions of dollars from “ghost schools” when he was the education minister, in the arms of Mullah Fazal-ur-Rahman, the father of Taliban terrorists, during peace talks in Pakistan.
1) Our people had come to know well that the traitorous Karzai is no less than a Talib based on his views and his actions – calling the Taliban “brothers” and releasing hundreds of Taliban terrorists from prisons so they could rejoin the Taliban ranks – but this reality has also become known to foreign sources. writes in “The History of the Haqqanis”, December 29, 2011: “When the Taliban began their expansion, after capturing Kandahar, Hamid Karzai was one of the Taliban Salaars (general)—that’s right, the current Afghan President was a Taliban and Jalaludin was fighting against the Taliban. Only when Kabul fell, in 1996, and Jalal realized that the ISI, backed by the CIA were intent on assisting the Taliban, did he join them.” It is interesting to know that the article also mentions that “US Congressman Charlie Wilson, responsible for aiding the Afghan Mujahideedn in the 1980s, referred to Jalaluddin as ‘goodness personified’”.
2) The contemporary history of the world, especially after the Second World War, has also witnessed how imperialist powers have tried to thwart the prosecution of their spies and puppets and rescued them from certain conviction of horrifying crimes they committed against people, under the guise of peace process, peace talks, and accords. South Africa is one such example. In Afghanistan, the unconditional and unlimited support of the US for Afghan criminals is a lot more long-term and shamelessly done than that of any other country. If this had not been the case, corrupt traitors like Omar Zakhilwal, Mullah Motawakal, Siddique Chakari, Anwar ul Haq Ahadi, Dostum, Mohaqiq, Mullah Rakiti, Farooq Wardak, Younis Naw Andesh, Qadir Fitrat, Mullah Zaeef, Amin Fatimi, Sarwar Danish, and other key high-ranking officials of Karzai, and Ghani and Abdullah’s governments should have either been hanged till now, or be rotting in prisons, not riding high on power and wealth.
3) Other than Javed Kohistani, this agent of KHAD from Shoraye Nezar, other KHADI-Jehadi “experts”, that are especially promoted by the CIA’s “Radio Azadi”, include Ahmad Saeedi who respectfully calls Mullah Omar “Commander of the Faithful, Mujahid Mullah Omar”, and is always talking about the “fifth pillar” in the government, but like all reactionary “experts”, never names the leaders of this pillar. After being stabbed by this “pillar”, he immediately offered himself to the government and saw its returns by his inclusion in the delegation of negotiators with the Taliban. Ahmad Saeedi’s apology to the people of Ghor for his shameful support of Abdullah was a positive step, but it was completely neutralized by his association with Ghani. If he had been honest in his apology, he should have known that he has a lot more to apologize for from the people of Ghor and Afghanistan: his service to the KHADI government, dealings with Jehadi criminals, shamelessly working in the Afghan embassy in Pakistan, not exposing the “fifth pillar” members, praising Bismillah Mohammadi, mourning for Fahim on his death, calling the crimes of Hussein Anwari “great actions in the heart of our history”, and others. He should not stoop to praising Dr. Askar Mosawi who has the dirty stain of glorifying “Baba Mazari”, “Baba Khalili”, and “Baba Mohaqiq”, and should know that it is only with the expression of strong remorse from his dark past that people may forgive him and others like him. Another entity that serves the Taliban brutes is called the “Young Activists Network for Peace” which stinks of fundamentalist criminals and support for the government. They have sunk so low that their meetings are attended by Zia Massoud, yet they support the Taliban and cry that the Taliban are present in Qatar, and it is the government that is delaying the talks!
Originally published on July 21, 2016