News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Local Gunmen Murder Ghor Woman in Open Trial

The incident happened on Monday after the armed men allegedly took the victim from her house and shot her

By Samim Faramarz

A woman was accused of adultery and publicly executed by the Taliban in Jawzjan, Afghanistan
May 7, 2016: A woman was accused of adultery and executed by the Taliban in front of a crowd in Jawzjan province. The woman was forced to kneel before being shot point blank by a Talib.

Police in the western province of Ghor have said that local armed men in Feroz Koh city of the province have allegedly killed a woman on charges of escaping from home.

The incident happened on Monday after the armed men allegedly took the victim from her house and shot her.

Meanwhile, women's rights activists have said that the incident was tragic and that the legal and judicial bodies must step up efforts to prosecute the criminals who murdered the woman.

The victim who is known as Aziz Gul was engaged to a man two years ago but it was called off.

"When the police heard about the incident, the police department swiftly took action and reached the village where the incident happened. But when the police reached the village, they had already buried the body. Investigations have been launched into the issue.

We have arrested one person in connection with the incident, however the main killer is on the run," said Abdul Hadi Chehel Ghori, head of the crime department of the Ghor police department.

"Such cases must be referred to the court so that the court can decide, but not to illegal courts," AIHRC official in Ghor Farida Naseri said.

"Our expectations from the legal and judicial organs is for them to ensure the trial of perpetrators involved in such cases, so that it can be a lesson to others," Naseri said.

Reports indicate that the police department in Ghor has arrested a man on charges of plotting the murder. However, the main criminals are still on the run.

Rights groups have expressed shock over the tragic incident.

The provincial office of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has condemned the incident as an unforgivable crime.

The Taliban and illegal armed groups have often been blamed for open trails in the country.

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Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 12604