News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • May 1, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    “Narco-State Afghanistan” Leads to Heroin Addiction in the USA
    Global Research: On March 29, 2016 the White House issued a press release on its new heroin initiative. The Washington Post described how much Obama proposed to do. The long list of fixes and new public-private partnerships relate almost exclusively to treatment. The 1 billion dollars, Obama said, will treat “tens of thousands” of addicts. Additional treatment is desperately needed, but the money won’t go far.      Full news...

  • April 27, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan mineral wealth being looted by strongmen, experts say
    Associated Press: The brilliant blue stone lapis lazuli, prized for millennia, is almost uniquely found in Afghanistan, a key part of the extensive mineral wealth that is seen as the best hope for funding development of one of the world's poorest nations. Instead, lapis has become a source of income for the Taliban, smugglers and local warlords, emblematic of the central government’s struggle to gain control over the resources and rein in corruption.      Full news...

  • April 19, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Kabul Attack Kills Dozens, Including Women and Children
    Common Dreams: At least 28 people are dead and hundreds are wounded after a suicide bomb and gun assault on a government security building in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday morning. The Taliban has reportedly claimed responsibility for what Reuters called “the most deadly single attack in the Afghan capital since 2011.”      Full news...

  • April 17, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Rape and brutal murder of 6-year-old Afghan girl in Iran sparks anger
    Khaama Press: A horrific report has emerged from Iran regarding the brutal murder of a 6-year-old Afghan girl who was initially raped by a teenage Iranian. The brutal murder of the girl, Setayish Quraishi, has sparked anger both in Afghanistan and outside, with the local media reports in Iran saying the perpetrator was a 17-year-old Iranian national.      Full news...

  • April 13, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Girl Seeks Divorce After Being Married At 12 To 60-Year-Old An 18-year-old girl who was forced to marry a 60-year-old man at the age of 12 has said she wants a divorce. The Balkh teenager, from Zari district, said that six years ago her family forced her to marry the man. She said she no longer wants to live with him and instead wants a divorce. Samargul claims she is also a victim of domestic violence and has been beaten and tortured over the years.      Full news...

  • April 11, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Families of 17 Afghans killed in US drone raids seek probe
    Al Jazeera: Relatives and tribal elders in southeastern Afghanistan are demanding an investigation into the killing of 17 people by US drones this week, claiming that the air strikes hit civilians, not members of armed groups. US army officials said on Thursday that two air strikes in Paktika province, near the Pakistani border, had only targeted fighters, without any evidence of civilian casualties.      Full news...

  • April 7, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Hindus, Sikhs In Nangarhar Claim To Be Sidelined A number of Hindus and Sikhs in Jalalabad city, in Nangarhar province, claim that powerful figures have usurped their land. They said this is the latest in a string of problems for them. In addition to having their land grabbed, they said they are also struggling to ensure an education for their children.      Full news...

  • April 1, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan parliamentarian wanted for rape of Peshawar dancer City police are hunting a man accused of raping an 18-year-old dancer after inviting her to perform at his residence in Peshawar. The suspect is believed to be a member of the Afghan parliament. A First Information Report (FIR) was registered at Hayatabad Police Station on the victim's complaint.      Full news...