News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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  • March 30, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Key High Peace Council Members Work For Foreigners: Spokesman A spokesman for the High Peace Council on Tuesday said funding for 2,400 HPC projects has been embezzled and that key members of the council are being paid by foreign embassies. While appearing on a TOLOnews current affairs show, Tawde Khabare, Mawlavi Shahzada Shahid, spokesman for the HPC, let slip that prominent members of the HPC's secretariat were working for foreign embassies.      Full news...

  • March 29, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    10-Year-Old Allegedly Married Off After Being Kidnapped A Kapisa family have appealed for assistance and justice after a group of armed men allegedly stole their 10-year-old daughter and reportedly married her off to a 30-year-old man. The family, from Najrab district in Kapisa, said the incident happened four months ago when 10 armed men attacked their house and forcibly removed their daughter.      Full news...

  • March 23, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Virginity tests: Sexual Assault in the Name of Science in Afghanistan
    HRW: Each year, dozens or even hundreds of women and girls in Afghanistan are subjected to invasive, humiliating, and sometimes painful vaginal and rectal exams in the name of “science.” These so-called virginity exams are not just demeaning – they constitute sexual assault and are often used as evidence against women in court for the “crime” of zina, or sex outside of marriage.      Full news...

  • March 20, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Why Afghanistan’s Nowruz has been interrupted
    BBC News: Nowruz marks the start of the new year and has been celebrated for 3,000 years, observed by adherents of both main branches of Islam, Sunnis and Shias. But in Afghanistan a campaign by conservative clerics to discourage the festivities has led to confusion and uncertainty among a new generation, the BBC’s Auliya Atrafi reports. This year people across Afghanistan, Iran, Central Asia and parts of the Middle East will begin celebrating the ancient spring festival of Nowruz on 21 March.      Full news...

  • March 18, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    US Weak Penalties for Afghan Hospital Bombing Insult Victims’ Families
    Sputnik: On Thursday, Department of Defense spokesman Christopher Sherwood told Sputnik that US service members associated with an attack on a Doctors Without Borders medical facility in Kunduz were suspended and referred for administrative action. “For good reason the victims’ family members will see this as both an injustice and an insult: the US military investigated itself and decided no crimes had been committed,” Human Rights Watch Senior Researcher Patricia Gossman stated in a post on Thursday.      Full news...

  • March 9, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    HRW: Afghanistan’s Legal System Fails Farkhunda, Again
    HRW: It’s a bitter irony that the latest blow to justice for Farkhunda Malikzada occurred on the eve of International Women’s Day. This week, Afghanistan’s Supreme Court granted significant sentence reductions to 13 men convicted of Farkhunda’s brutal murder in March 2015. The men were part of a mob that beat Farkhunda to death in broad daylight in central Kabul while police stood by and watched.      Full news...