Couple being stoned to death for having affair with one another.
A man and woman have been stoned to death by Taliban militants in northern Sar-i-Pul province for having immoral contacts.
Abdul Jabar Haqbin, acting governor of Sar-i-Pul province said that Taliban had kidnapped the man and woman three days before.
He said Taliban planned to execute the hostages on Friday but it was delayed due to an airstrike by Afghan forces.
Haqbin added that the execution was ultimately carried in Kata Qala area of Suzma Qala District on yesterday.
Reports suggest that both the woman and man have children.
Taliban announce punishment to villagers based on the decision of their illegal courts, also called ‘desert courts’.
They assign judges in large areas coming under their control.
Before this incident, Taliban have publicly executed people in different parts of the country including Nangarhar, Logar, Ghazni, Helmand, Zabul and Farah provinces.