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PAN, August 10, 2015

Protesters in Kabul claim carnage was airstrike not suicide attack (PHOTOS)

Mohammad Zahir, a protester, claimed the Friday’s night explosion was as a result of airstrike by foreign forces, not a bomb blast

By Khwaja Basir Ahmad Fitri

Claiming that the Shah Shaheed incident was not suicide bombing but an airstrike, dozens of protesters on Monday demanded the government thoroughly investigate the carnage and inform the nation about its findings.

However, earlier security forces said the incident took place due to vehicle bombing in the locality. Some media outlets also released CCTV footages, showing an explosive-laden truck exploded in the area.

At least 15 civilians were killed and nearly 500 wounded in the widely condemned blast. A market has also been destroyed and hundreds of houses damaged.

Tens of intelligence officers and plain cloths policemen tried to stop the protestors by entering the lines of the people, by persuation, and even violence. They especially stopped people from raising slogans against the US, asking them to talk against Pakistan only., Aug. 10, 2015

Around 200 residents of the area along with some wounded held big protest demonstration near the third road of Shah Shaheed against the attack.

Mohammad Zahir, a protester, claimed the Friday’s night explosion was as a result of airstrike by foreign forces, not a bomb blast.

He claimed when foreign forces wanted to bomb an area, first they severed the local communications network, which was what happened in Shah Shaheed locality as well.

He urged the president to thoroughly investigate and find out what caused the explosion.

He said the government wanted to pay 100,000 afghanis for the families who lost a member or relative and 50,000 afghanis for wounded, but they refused since they did not want to sell the blood of their relatives.

Naqibullah, another protester, alleged that some security officials were aware of the attack and thought it was the Presidential Palace that was the target. He slammed security officials for not preventing the incident despite knowing it would occur.

The protesters warned to continue their demonstrations if the government did not thoroughly investigate the incident.

People in Shah Shaheed area of Kabul protested against attack on Aug. 7, 2015 which killed dozens
Aug. 10, 2015: Most families in the area have lost several members and have several injured. Due to the destruction of the houses, they have spent the past nights in the open. (Photo:
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People in Shah Shaheed area of Kabul protested against attack on Aug. 7, 2015 which killed dozens
Aug. 10, 2015: Abdullah and Massoud, two brothers killed in the attack. (Photo:
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Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, HR Violations, Protest - Views: 8349