News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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ISIS Curbs Movement of Women in Afghan province: Officials

"The leaflets warn that women are not allowed to leave their homes without wearing a Burqa and without any Sharia excuse"

By Ghafoor Saboory

Insurgents claiming to be Daesh fighters have reportedly distributed leaflets in eastern Nangarhar prohibiting women from leaving their homes without any Sharia (Islamic Legal) excuse, according to provincial officials.

The four-article pamphlet of so-called Daesh insurgents includes threats against the elders of Nangarhar and women of the eastern province – where officials have already confirmed sightings of the newly-emerged group, based in Iraq and Syria.

"Daesh distributed the warning letters two days ago in several districts," claimed Obaidullah Shenwari, a provincial council member. "The leaflets warn that women are not allowed to leave their homes without wearing a Burqa and without any Sharia excuse."

Women in burqa walking in Afghanistan
ISIS has prohibited women from leaving their homes without an Islamically legal reason.

"The elders have also been warned to not resolve their issues through holding local Jirga [council] but to resolve through Daesh leadership."

A number of other provincial council members also voiced concerns over what they called growing numbers of Daesh affiliates in the province.

"There are no schools and reconstruction projects in the districts where Daesh fighters are present," provincial council member Zabihullah Zemarai said.

The governor of Nangarhar, Salim Kunduzi, neither confirmed nor denied the latest threats by Daesh. But he admitted the presence of these insurgents in the province.

He also confirmed clashes between the Taliban and Daesh militants in some parts of his province.

But the head of provincial council, Nasir Kamawal, urged the government to curb Daesh activities before it expands throughout the province.

"Daesh has just started its activities and it is very easy to eliminate them. But if they grew, the government would not be able to curb them," Kamawal warned.

According to the provincial council members, the so-called Daesh fighters have considerable presence in nine districts of Nangarhar.

They added the leaflets were distributed in Achin, Nazian, Kot, Spin Ghar and Haska Mina districts.

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, Women - Views: 9795