News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Solidarity Party of Afghanistan protests against recent bloodshed by Taliban (PHOTOS)

‘Compatriots! If today we are silent in the face of the barbarity of the Taliban, warlords, and the Arg traitors, tomorrow our loved ones will be beheaded!’

April 15, 2015: Members and supporters of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) staged a protest in Shahre Naw Park in Kabul today, to defend the blood of the victims of Badakhshan (the brutal killing of more than 30 policemen by Taliban and ISIS in an attack on a check post), and Mazar (killing of more than people in a courthouse attack by the Taliban), and to demand the freedom of 31 of our compatriots held hostage by the Taliban (in Zabul province). Initially the protestors wanted to walk from Pameer Cinema to Sipahi Gumnam, but had to gather in a park due to strict restrictions passed by the government which state that strikers and protestors cannot walk from one area to another and can only gather in a few parks in Kabul. This decision is apparently taken to secure protestors from terrorist attacks, but it is clear to everyone that this decision was taken because there were several huge demonstrations held against the government of Abdullah and Ghani recently. The government whose stench is increasing with every passing day fears that the ‘Afghanistan Spring’ might blossom too and is taking these steps against freedom of speech to contain this possibility.

The protestors carried placards with slogans such as: ‘Arg rulers, shame on you for your shameful bargains and deals that have sunk our people in blood and mourning!’, ‘Abdullah and Ghani and their filthy mercenaries are the real perpetrators of the massacres in Mazar, Ghazni, Badakhshan and…!’, ‘The real killers of these soldiers are Abdullah and Ghani and their supporters, who encourage the ignorant Taliban to commit their crimes by giving them aid and ‘apologizing’ to them!’, ‘The heads of Abdullah and Ghani’s government should be prosecuted alongside the barbarous Taliban for the bloodbaths in Mazar, Badakhshan, Paktia, Ghazni and …!’, ‘Mothers of Afghanistan demand the freedom of their 31 loved ones held hostage!’, ‘If Abdullah and Ghani’s children had been among the 31 hostages , would they have still been this shamelessly indifferent about their fate?’, ‘Compatriots! If today we are silent in the face of the barbarity of the Taliban, warlords, and the Arg traitors, tomorrow our loved ones will be beheaded!’, and ‘Solidarity, struggle, uprising: there is no other way out of the current calamity!’

Mr. Hafeez Rasikh, representative of the SPA, said during his speech, “Our young soldiers sacrifice their lives for defending our country, but the traitorous rulers of the government make bargains with their blood.” He added that the 31 suffering compatriots who had seen hardships and pain for years, were today under a hanging blade and demanded their immediate release. He further stated that if people don’t take their fate into their own hands, thousands of innocent humans will be killed and the current catastrophe will continue.

Solidarity Party of Afghanistan held a protest against the recent bloodshed by the Taliban
Apr. 15, 2015: Solidarity Party of Afghanistan held a protest against the recent bloodshed by the Taliban. (Photo:
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Young girls shout slogans in a protest held by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan against the recent bloodshed by the Taliban.
Apr. 15, 2015: Young girls shout slogans in a protest held by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan against the recent bloodshed by the Taliban. (Photo:
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Placard showing a mourning mother of a hostage held by Taliban in a protest by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
Apr. 15, 2015: Placard showing a mourning mother of a hostage held by Taliban in a protest by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan against the Taliban. (Photo:
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Protestor of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
Apr. 15, 2015: Female protestors of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan. (Photo:
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A mother in the protest of Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
Apr. 15, 2015: A mother in the protest held by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan against the recent bloodshed by the Taliban. (Photo:
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Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, RAWA News, HR Violations, Protest - Views: 9362