News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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PAN, December 3, 2014

Mother, daughter found dead in Faryab province

The reason of their killing is said to be a family dispute

By Qutbuddin Kohi

Two women have been found dead in the Shirin Tagab district of northwestern Faryab province, an official said on Wednesday.

District chief Syed Luqman Kharik told Pajhwok Afghan News unidentified gunman killed the two women in their house located in Sayyad area.

He said the slain women were mother, 50, and daughter, 20. The reason of their killing is said to be a family dispute, he added.

According to Gharik, the woman had complained to local officials against her husband a few days back for beating her harshly.

He said her husband disappeared two weeks back. According to initial investigation, the alleged killer has fled to Iran.

The Afghanistan Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemned the killings in the strongest words, saying the incident occurred due to family violence. It asked police to investigate the matter seriously.

Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 10304