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PAN, June 1, 2014

Murder by MP and officials’ relatives sparks protest

Fiery demonstrators said police were asking for money from the locals, demanding the sacking of district police chief

By Qutbuddin Kohi

Following the killing of a local by the alleged connivance of relatives of Wolesi Jirga and another senior official, hundreds of people on Saturday held protest in the Qaisar district of northwestern Faryab province, demanding arrest of the perpetrators.

Mirwais was gunned down by unidentified men on Saturday evening in the district. The protesters alleged relatives of Wolesi Jirga member Fatihullah Qaisari and district crime branch chief Agha Bashir of involvement in murder.

Abdul Jamil Saddiqui, district administrative chief, assured investigation had been launched to arrest the killers of Mirwais. He also acknowledged Fatihullah relatives were involved in the incident.

Fiery demonstrators said police were asking for money from the locals, demanding the sacking of district police chief, crime branch chief and controlling of other armed groups active in area.

However, Wolesi Jirga member Fatihullah Qaisari said he had nothing to do with the murder sine he was living for a long time in Kabul.

Category: Warlords, HR Violations - Views: 7173