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PAN, April 20, 2014

Eloped woman shot dead in Baghlan

Amina 21 was eloped as she was unhappy with her husband

By Habib Rahman Sherzai

A young woman has been shot dead by unidentified gunmen after she eloped in northern Baghlan province, an official said Sunday.

Amina 21 was eloped as she was unhappy with her husband. Unidentified gunmen forced her into the car and shot her dead in Kotal-i-Shahidan locality on the outskirts of Talau Barfak district last night, the district chief said.

Amir Mohammad Faizi told Pajhwok Afghan News the nature of the incident yet not cleared but the driver of the car had been detained and being interrogated.

Faizi confirmed victim’s brother had contacted him that the attacker had been identified.

Khadija Yaqin, women affairs department head, while condemning the act in strongest possible terms, said Amina came to the department after she developed serious differences with her husband.

About three weeks ago, a man and her wife were killed in similar incident by unknown gunmen in Joi Naw area of Pul-i-Khumri, the provincial capital of Baghlan.

Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 12073