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American Free Press, March 27, 2014

Is CIA Fueling New U.S. Drug Epidemic Using Cheap Heroin from Afghanistan?

“These topics aren’t expressed in the mainstream media because it would be detrimental to the government’s credibility. Nobody is supposed to know that certain elements running our country are drug dealers, murderers and thugs.”

By Victor Thorn

The tragic overdose death of Academy Award winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman on February 2, brought renewed interest to the subject of cheap heroin on America’s streets. Across the country, heroin use is on the rise, despite the billions of dollars spent by United States law enforcement fighting it. Recently, southwestern Pennsylvania suffered 22 overdoses in little more than a week’s time from tainted heroin, and dozens of users were hospitalized in Camden, New Jersey due to a highly potent batch that was being sold on the streets of that city.

One of the big questions asked by naïve media talking heads is: Where does all of this heroin come from? The answer is the same as it was a decade ago following a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-led invasion of Afghanistan: 75%-80% of the world’s heroin is exported from Afghanistan. In spite of the fact that the U.S. military controls a great deal of that mountainous country, production levels hit record highs last year.

Since American forces have been entrenched in Afghanistan for a dozen years and have squandered over $700B to date, AMERICAN FREE PRESS has long been one of the few publications to openly address a highly taboo subject. Namely, elements within the CIA having been heavily involved with illegal narcotics trafficking since the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 1970s and Iran-Contra in the 1980s.

In terms of CIA links to the Afghan heroin trade, Henderson said: “They’ve been running it from the get-go, all the way back to when the Mujahideen were formed. It’s been the same game starting with Jimmy Carter’s people through Reagan, the Bushes, Clinton and now Obama.”
American Free Press, Mar. 27, 2014

On March 13, this reporter contacted investigative historian Robert Morrow, whose research into the murder of CIA-sanctioned pilot Barry Seal is unparalleled. Seal claims to have run drugs for U.S. intelligence.

When asked about official criminality associated with Afghan’s opium business, Morrow replied: “U.S. government involvement in the drug trade ebbs and flows depending on a particular administration’s level of corruption. If a Bush or Clinton is in office, you better believe it’s rip-roaring.”

Morrow provided more insights. “Or, maybe their complicity is so institutionalized that presidents don’t even control it. Intelligence agencies and the military do. The government has many faces. One DEA [Drug Enforcement Administration] agent could be entirely honest while another is on the take from drug cartels and the government.”

Delving into deep state secrets, Morrow stressed: “The people who ran all the drugs into America during the Iran-Contra era were George Bush, Sr., CIA Director William Casey, Oliver North and both Clintons. Airports like the one in Mena, Arkansas that Bill and Hillary operated stretched all across the southern U.S. You need to remember that Barry Seal [who allegedly flew more cocaine into America than any pilot in history] was personal friends with Bill Clinton. He also spoke with Bush, Sr. on a weekly basis.”

Morrow turned his attention to Clinton’s partner-in-crime.

“As Vice President, George Bush, Sr. had all aspects of law enforcement answering to him,” said Murrow. “That way, legitimate police officers weren’t arresting his CIA drug dealers.”

Ending on a riveting note, Morrow said: “These topics aren’t expressed in the mainstream media because it would be detrimental to the government’s credibility. Nobody is supposed to know that certain elements running our country are drug dealers, murderers and thugs.”

On March 13, this reporter also spoke with Dean Henderson, author of the book Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network.

In terms of CIA links to the Afghan heroin trade, Henderson said: “They’ve been running it from the get-go, all the way back to when the Mujahideen were formed. It’s been the same game starting with Jimmy Carter’s people through Reagan, the Bushes, Clinton and now Obama.”

Henderson provided more details: “After the Vietnam War when heroin stopped coming out of the Golden Triangle, the CIA set up bases near Afghanistan in the late 1970s. CIA asset Osama bin Laden helped train these men, and soon warlords were planting poppies. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Obama’s advisors work for the same neocons as did Bush’s. These same people do the dirty work.”

Category: Drugs - Views: 25765