News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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PAN, March 24, 2014

Over a million Afghans engaged in child labour

...currently 1200,000 children lived on their own in Kabul and other province

The Ministry of Work and Social Affairs on Monday said that economic problems had forced more than one million children into child labour across Afghanistan.

Deputy Minister Wasil Mohmand, who visited a training workshop on creating awareness about labour laws, said that currently 1200,000 children lived on their own in Kabul and other provinces.
PAN, Mar. 24, 2014

Deputy Minister Wasil Mohmand, who visited a training workshop on creating awareness about labour laws, said that currently 1200,000 children lived on their own in Kabul and other provinces.

A statement from the Labour Ministry quoted Mohmand as saying that employing children was against the labour law and Islamic teachings. He voiced concern over the growing number of child labourers.

About the training workshop, the deputy minister said the three-day event would enable participant to know about labour laws, employment principles and behavior towards employees.

The ministry said it had previously conducted a training session on the subject in Kabul and the next would be organised in Jalalabad, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province.

Category: Children - Views: 9317