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Los Angeles Times, December 20, 2013

Poll: Two thirds of Americans say Afghan war not worth fighting

Independent voters were also highly critical of the war, with 71% expressing regret

By Carol J. Williams

Two thirds of Americans questioned in a recent poll said the 12-year war fought in Afghanistan to cleanse the country of terrorists hasn't been worth the price paid in lives and dollars.

Nevertheless, a majority still favors keeping some U.S. forces in the troubled country even after the military mission ends a year from now, the ABC News/Washington Post poll found.

The survey conducted for the media by Langer Research Associates of New York found that disillusionment with the U.S.-led war was expressed by a majority of all political leanings. Overall, 66% of respondents said the war hasn't been worth it. Those who identified themselves as liberals were most unhappy with the military investment: 78% said the war was a mistake.

Two thirds of Americans questioned in a recent poll said the 12-year war fought in Afghanistan to cleanse the country of terrorists hasn't been worth the price paid in lives and dollars.
Independent voters were also highly critical of the war, with 71% expressing regret, followed by 67% of Democrats, 61% of conservatives and 54% of Republicans.
Los Angeles Times, Dec. 20, 2013

Independent voters were also highly critical of the war, with 71% expressing regret, followed by 67% of Democrats, 61% of conservatives and 54% of Republicans.

In its report on the poll, ABC News said the latest results match the peak of U.S. public criticism of the 2003-2011 war in Iraq. The United States completed its withdrawal from Iraq two years ago, and sectarian fighting has gradually escalated.

The private iCasualties website reports that 4,486 U.S. troops died in Iraq during the U.S. presence.

The U.S. death toll in Afghanistan stood at 2,300 on Friday, according to iCasualties.

The size of any U.S. contingent in Afghanistan to assist with training and counterinsurgency after the combat mission ends next year has yet to be fixed, as Afghan President Hamid Karzai has refused to sign a bilateral security agreement negotiated by Washington and Kabul.

U.S. officials have been pushing Karzai to sign the agreement by the end of this year so that the Pentagon can plan and budget accordingly for post-2014 deployments, although President Obama is willing to extend the deadline, according to aids.

The agreement defining the U.S. military presence after next year was approved last month by a 2,500-member national council of elders, called a loya jirga. But Karzai has been insisting that the final signature be made by the next president, to be elected in April.

Despite the lack of clarity on troop strength in 2015 and beyond, 55% of the 1,005 adults polled by Langer said they support keeping some military presence in Afghanistan. At 65%, political moderates were the most supportive of keeping some noncombat troops stationed in the country. Conservatives and liberals were both less enthusiastic, with 52% and 46% backing, respectively, for the post-2014 contingent.

The poll was conducted Dec. 12-15 and had a 3.5% margin of error, Langer said.

Category: US-NATO, HR Violations - Views: 7938