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Khaama Press, March 19, 2013

The Role of MI6, ISI, CIA and Iran in Afghanistan and region crisis

The Afghan nation which has been suffering for the national interest of others during the past 12 years must consider in specifying the internal and external players behind today’s crisis in Afghanistan

By Alhaj Ghulam Jilani Wahaj

Afghanistan is considered to have a highly strategic value during the 21st century in southern and central Asian regions, owed to its geopolitical situation and untapped mineral resources. The country has proven to be a key inhibitor for the newly formed republics in central Asia besides having a high influence and pressure on China, Russia and Iran.

Geographical and geopolitical situation of a nation has a direct impact over the internal, external and economical policies of a nation. However, policies implemented by ISI, CIA and MI6 in Afghanistan and the region during the past five decades have had different motives The main targets have sometimes been silent and the focus has been on secondary objectives which eventually pave the way for the implementation of the original objective in the region.

Pakistan’s military Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) together with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence under the cover of MI6 gathered over 30,000 Islamist militants from 42 nations in ISI’s sanctuaries, with the preliminary motive to fight against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

However, the same militants are currently used to weaken the financial and moral values of the United States in the world, which is considered to be a successful approach by MI6 to damage the credit of foreign policies of the United States in the Islamic world by attributing the enormous defense budget of the U.S. in their fight against the terrorism and implementation of democracy in the world.

Today, the United States lack a proper communication channel with the Muslims and the Muslim world, which has been one of the main objectives of MI6 during the past years.

The United States along with other western nations have become the hostage of war against terrorism under the framework of NATO, which is considered to be an approach of MI6 in coordination with the ISI and Iran’s intelligence. The defeat of NATO’s mission in Afghanistan will significantly harm the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which will possibly lead to liquidation of the alliance.

MI6 also created barriers for the United States of America, United Nations, NATO and the European Union to the coordination of their strategy and foreign aid to the Afghan government. MI6 also put efforts to drag Germany in war at southern Afghanistan by assassination attempts of German civil workers in Mazar-Samangan and Kabul-Salang highways, and by coordinating an attack on German base in Baghlan province of Afghanistan that resulted in the deaths of several German troops.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Mullah Omar
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (left) and Mullah Omar
Khaama Press, Mar. 19, 2013: Washington is currently convinced to consider bringing changes to the current regime with the help of Pakistan and Taliban militants along with Hezb-e-Islami party led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and/or bringing such a change in the regime to create a strong disciplinary government that is based on the plans of Pakistan and interest of United States. Pakistan and United States have already reached to an agreement for the formation of future government and Afghanistan’s role in the region. The high peace council of Afghanistan is operating without any motive and has only been formed to spend operative money of the intelligence agencies in order to free Taliban leaders and concentrate on dragging world’s attention by acting under the reconciliation project in Afghanistan where the main part of the game is under the control of the United States and Pakistan. Foreign troops are not leaving the country but are paving the way for the return of Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami party led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar back to main cities specifically in capital Kabul.

Through such attempts MI6 prevented the proper implementation of German development projects in Afghanistan besides transporting and evacuating Al-Qaeda and militants through helicopters to northern provinces of Afghanistan in a bid to put pressure on German troops mission in the North.

President Hamid Karzai during press conferences also confirmed that unrecognized military helicopters are transporting and evacuating militants and Al-Qaeda fighters from the southern provinces of the country to northern and north-eastern parts of Afghanistan.

Washington presumed its formal bilateral ties with Afghanistan in coordination with the MI6, where the first ambassador of United States to Afghanistan started its duty under the consultation and agreement of British ambassador to Afghanistan in a bid to satisfy the demands of MI6 and Pakistan’s ISI, and the same approach will continue for several more decades and will remain the top priority of the Washington’s policy.

Afghanistan has been used as troops brigade by the United States during the past ten years to continue Tom and Jerry’s game, however, Pakistan has been considered to be a key alliance of Washington to implement peace in the country.

In addition, the British have formed Kashmir and Pashtunistan on the Pakistan and Afghanistan bordering regions as the main base and route in an attempt to implement their long term plans in the region. Pakistan since its very formation has become a part of the MI6 that has enabled them to enter into the political, military and intelligence mater of the region, specifically of Afghanistan.

The mechanism and leadership of Pakistan in relation to the geographic positions of the newly formed republics in central Asia, China, Iran and Afghanistan have dragged the United States and the United Kingdom to their joint interest for fuel and energy in the region. In order to achieve this strategic goal, . Islam has been used as an appropriate and best tool (fight against terrorism).

As one of the elders had stated, Pakistan is British in its politics, Hindu by culture and Muslim by name. The recent remarks by Pakistan’s Ulema Council Chief Allama Tahir Ashrafi, who endorsed suicide bombings in Afghanistan, is not a new issue and is being preached in Pakistani Madrasas on daily basis.

Islamic Madrasas, political parties and Ulema council are all branches of the ISI, which have been formed by MI6. Through these branches, the objectives of the United Kingdom are being implemented in the region. The holy religion of Islam is not a target for the Pakistani politicians but it is rather a tool for achieving the strategic goal of MI6, CIA and ISI in Afghanistan and the region—the goal of winning over the fuel and energy in the region, which is masked by war on terrorism Any religious scholar or Ulema preaching at Pakistani Madrasa is originally an MI6 employee working within the framework of ISI.

The question is that, “Are human beings not Caliphs of God on Earth?”. Enormous funding by CIA has made Pakistani politicians and Ulemas blind. It is yet not clear how long the Pakistani nation will bear the situation will depend on their self-realization and their support for Islam and Muslims rather than support for the strategic interest of MI6 and ISI in the region. However, the way MI6 has spread its germs in the region through Pakistan and ISI, one can tell that the situation will last for eternity.

The defeat and withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan, overthrow of Egypt and Libya’s leaders, political uprising in Syria along with the decade old war in Afghanistan reflect the involvement of the United States and the United Kingdom behind the crisis, terror, suicide bombings and assassinations for their self-interest in the regions.

According to the military and political observers’ research, United States invasion of Afghanistan in the name of fight against terrorism and Al-Qaeda was plotted back in 1997. The plan of collecting and purchasing of stinger rockets from commanders was meant to ease down the dangers that the British and American forces could have faced during their air strikes on Afghanistan. The assassination of Afghan warlord Ahmadshah Massoud was plotted by MI6

According to reports, military drills in Arab nations and movement of the NATO troops towards the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean all started three years before the 9/11 attacks.

The MI6 dragged the former Soviet forces into Afghanistan where they suffered a crushing defeat. The MI6 is now paving the way for the same fate to be faced by the United States, who is working its way towards becoming the super power after the Cold War, and the European Union by creating a similar trap under the name of Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Wasn’t it MI6 after all who provided sanctuary for Osama bin Laden for 7 years inside the houses of ISI officers in Pakistan?

The need for the presence of US troops in Afghanistan is indebted with potential crisis being faced by the United States. Terrorism has not only stopped but also gained considerable growth in Afghanistan during the past ten years, and it is strange that the US policy and lawmakers are still not wondering how their victory has been compromised.

If narrowly observed, the American policymakers have been trapped in MI6’s policies and are under the instructions of the Pakistani policymakers who are being directed by the English policies. Therefore, the United States has been conquered by the United Kingdom and the international community has been conquered by the United States.

The United States plans have been put in trouble by MI6 during the past ten years in Afghanistan and created confusion among the Afghan officials who has not been able to pick between Iran and the international community (mainly the U.S.). Such perplexity resulted in mistrust towards the policies of the U.S. and towards putting Pakistan in a better position than before. Pakistan is in a key situation that has enabled them to convince Washington that the withdrawal from Afghanistan can only take place through Pakistan’s route.

MI6 in cooperation with the ISI and Iran are striving to prevent the construction of a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to India through Afghanistan. Why is the reconstruction of Salma Dam not completed since the past decade?

Iran managed to finalize the technical and infrastructural construction of Afghanistan’s water resources for its own interest between 1993 and 2003, and block the return of water to Afghanistan on a permanent basis. Iran has also played a major role behind the instability in Afghanistan since 1990s in a bid to meet its water needs and on the other hand sabotage the gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan for its own self-interest.

In their secret war against the U.S., Iran is sending huge sums of money to high Afghan officials to win their support, as a result putting the Afghan government on a limbo.

All the parties involved in war in the region are now aware of the western tactics and can easily use terrorism for their survival and create tension in the region; however the issue has now created concerns among the western officials fearing that anti-western nations including China, Iran and Russia will use terrorism against the allied nations. The issue of terrorism in Afghanistan has now become a tool for Pakistan and Iran to use it for their strategic target.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai failed to properly use from the opportunity for the development of the country and the Afghan nation and also maintain a good relation and satisfactory relation with its key allies, United States of America due to the lack of proper knowledge of Washington’s policies leaving Afghanistan in situation being threatened by its neighbors specifically Iran which is apparently an Islamic nation but is a part of the MI6 organization in the region.

President Karzai failed to properly use the opportunity of the international community’s presence in Afghanistan and create a national strategy inside the country and outside of Afghanistan in order to empower the strategic infrastructure of Afghanistan. His approach to keep both Iran and America happy brought only failure. The Afghan leaders concentrated on their personal benefits by creating coalitions rather than paying attention to maintaining a stable Afghanistan. The Afghan government let go of the Afghan ship to the Iranian river not knowing that Iran, a Muslim country in name, is merely a part of MI6.

All the Afghans are aware that the political situation of Afghanistan is controlled by MI6, ISI, CIA and the intelligence of Iran which can be noticed during the recent decade where no internal or external incident or affair takes place unless it has not been approved by MI6, ISI, CIA, KGB or the intelligence of Iran. It is a continuous process which is happening and will apparently continue for several other years or decades.

On the other hand the recent coalitions formed by various individuals who have had a major role during the crisis of the past three decades, have already lost the game and their identity are not hidden from the international community. These faces are now ready to form any kind of coalition in an attempt to maintain their livelihood. Jihad (holy war) and Islam do not have any value for them, similar as it is valueless for the Pakistani religious clerics.

Leaders of various coalitions which are active now are those faces that made fun of Burhanuddin Rabbani’s government in Bonn conference. The decisions during the Bonn conference, which were supposed to take place for the interest of the Afghan government, were instead made on the basis of the coalition members’ personal deals. The sons of these coalition members are enjoying a luxurious life in Dubai, where they spend USD 5,000 buying whiskey and scotch in a single party.

Are these coalition forces able to resolve the issues of Afghanistan? Clearly NO. MI6 and Iran are looking to implement their new strategies by using such political coalitions for the decomposition of Afghanistan. Such a strategy was once implemented by Iran but was countered by Ahmadshah Massoud and Abdul Samad Khaksar.

The social formation of Afghanistan is complex and has been formed in a way which cannot be decomposed by any external power and such an approach will mean to spread another civil war that will end in each street of Afghanistan, and that will not be acceptable by any true Afghan.

The major game which is currently going on in the region is divided into two divisions that is A and B, where the first phase of the game has already been completed after the assassination of Al-Qaedaa leader Osama bin Laden, while the second phase of the game, which is due to be witnessed after 2014, is getting closer to its implementation stage.

The new mission, post 2014, mission has also been divided in two sectors where the first phase will be implemented by MI6 and Iran that focuses on decomposition of Afghanistan and creation of federal Afghanistan. The second phase of the mission will be implemented by ISI and CIA that focuses on the policy for the return of Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami party of Afghanistan led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The success of Pakistan’s soft diplomacy approach with the current hard approach, comprising of teams fighting against Afghanistan along with Afghanistan, will automatically pave the way for the return of Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami Party back to power.

Washington is currently convinced to consider bringing changes to the current regime with the help of Pakistan and Taliban militants along with Hezb-e-Islami party led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and/or bringing such a change in the regime to create a strong disciplinary government that is based on the plans of Pakistan and interest of United States. Pakistan and United States have already reached to an agreement for the formation of future government and Afghanistan’s role in the region.

The high peace council of Afghanistan is operating without any motive and has only been formed to spend operative money of the intelligence agencies in order to free Taliban leaders and concentrate on dragging world’s attention by acting under the reconciliation project in Afghanistan where the main part of the game is under the control of the United States and Pakistan.

Afghan officials and political coalition members during their operations are revealing to move forward based on the plans of United States and Pakistan. In the outset, Taliban militants were freed from Pakistan jails and blacklisted Taliban group members were removed from the UN sanctions list.

Foreign troops are not leaving the country but are paving the way for the return of Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami party led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar back to main cities specifically in capital Kabul.

Karzai’s remarks accusing United States for creating barriers on Afghan peace talks with the Taliban group are yet another approach by him to maintain a coalition power and move towards MI6 and Iran’s policy. But, the section “B” of the political game has already been started and president Karzai is already late and has been left with the two options i.e. to support Washington or Iran in the region.

Ppresident Karzai’s recent anti-US remarks raise questions whether he is being used as a tool to speed up and implement the new mission of MI6 in the region, or he is himself a key player of the new mission to return Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami party back to power.

The Afghan nation which has been suffering for the national interest of others during the past 12 years must consider in specifying the internal and external players behind today’s crisis in Afghanistan. The first approach should focus on unveiling those involved behind the crisis and the second approach must focus on national negotiations and agreement to find ways for resolving the issues and build a stable and strong Afghanistan.

Such steps will apparently face many barriers by internal and external enemies that will include individuals and agencies creating internal ethnic and religious issues for the implementation of their long term strategy in Afghanistan and the region.

The current crisis in Afghanistan will continue unless the Afghan nation does not show a reaction towards strategies of MI6, CIA and other agencies.

Category: US-NATO - Views: 27404