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PAN, July 13, 2012

Pakistan again fires missiles into Kunar

By Khan Wali Salarzai

Pakistani soldiers fired 21 missiles into the Shegal district of eastern Kunar province, injuring two civilians, an official said on Friday.

The governor's spokesman, Wasifullah Wasifi, told Pajhwok Afghan News the missiles -- fired over the past 24 hours -- landed in Shaltan and other border areas.

Residents asked the government and the international community to prevent the cross-border incursions that have resulted in financial losses, as well as displacement.

They warned of responding to the attacks if the government and NATO-led troops failed to address the issue.

A day earlier, the Pakistani forces fired a barrage of missiles into the Dangam district of the province, wounding two people who had migrated to the town from Swat valley.

Wasifi said so far 1100 missiles had been slammed into the district, displacing 700 families. The government in Kabul and the trilateral Afghanistan-Pakistan-ISAF commission have been informed.

Category: HR Violations - Views: 8390


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