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PAN, February 27, 2012

Violence against Nangarhar women on the rise

Cases of violence against women have increased by 10 percent during the current solar year

by Abdul Mueed Hashimi

Cases of violence against women have increased by 10 percent during the current solar year in eastern Nangarhar province, officials said on Monday.

Director of Women’s Affairs Anisa Imrani told Pajhwok Afghan News after a meeting in Jalalabad: “Eighty cases of violence against women were registered with her department last year, compared to 90 over the past 11 months.”

The meeting that discussed women’s situation was attended by representatives from 22 districts of the province. “Women are facing so many problems,” she told the participants.

According to Sanga Jabarkhel, a reporter with the National Radio, Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) members also attended the meeting.

Participants informed PRT representatives about the hardships of women and ongoing projects aimed at their wellbeing.

A resident of Behsud district, Shamshada Safi, complained women faced many problems in villages. In addition to facing violence, they had no access to schools and clean drinking water, she concluded.

Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 11088