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PAN (Translated by RAWA), November 29, 2011

ISAF kills three women in Zheray district

He added that the day before and today, two other women also died in the hospital and in addition to a one-year old girl, two others are still injured

By Sher Ahmad Nadim

ISAF fires artillery in Afghanistan
A Panzerhaubitze 2000 Armoured Howitzer of the 14th company field artillery (B-battery C-platoon) of the Royal Netherlands Army fires its 155mm canon from Camp Holland in Uruzgan at enemy positions in Chora, Afghanistan on February 18, 2008. (Photo: Gerben van Es/Shape)

As a result of the firing of mortars by ISAF forces, three women were killed in one home and two others injured in another. Haji Mohammad Sarwar Khan, one of the tribal elders of the Zheray district, told PAN on 29th November that the incident took place two days back in the Nalghaam village of the district.

He said, “Some mortars were fired by ISAF. Four hit a field and one hit two homes and killed a woman on the spot and injured four others.”

He added that the day before and today, two other women also died in the hospital and in addition to a one-year old girl, two others are still injured. Some houses and animals had also been destroyed and killed, he said.

According to him the incident was discussed with the ISAF forces in the area and they had said the mortars were fired inadvertently, and a delegation of the members of the District Council, Afghan intelligence and police chief were discussing the details of the investigation with the foreign forces.

The press office of the governor of Kandahar also gave a statement confirming the incident and expressing sorrow.

In its press release, ISAF’s office in Kabul said three civilians were injured. The source said an investigation had started.

Five days back, in the Siyah Joy village of the same district, an ISAF airstrike killed seven children, injured two, and killed two mine placers.

Category: US-NATO, RAWA News, HR Violations - Views: 11882