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PAN, September 24, 2011

Pakistan fires artillery shells into Kunar, Nuristan

One person was killed and another injured in the attacks

By Khan Wali Salarzai

The Pakistan army fired more than 300 artillery shells into eastern Kunar and Nuristan provinces, causing human and property losses, officials said on Saturday.

About 250 shells of long-range artillery were fired into Dangam district over the past two days from Dir, Kunar Governor Syed Fazlullah Wahidi told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Two mosques and six houses were damaged while several families fled the area, he said, adding: "Our forces did not retaliate. If these attacks continue, we do have the capacity to respond."

One person was killed and another injured in the attacks, said Haji Muzamil, a resident of Dangam.

Meanwhile, the Nuristan governor said 30 shells were fired from Pakistan's northwestern Chitral valley into Gordesh area of Kamdesh district.

Tamim Nuristani said at least one house in the area was damages as a result of the unprovoked shelling. Pakistani soldiers entered the district and asked residents to leave, he added.

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