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Payam-e-Zan, June 14, 2011

This Time the American and German Invaders Took Lives in Takhar

Even the people of Takhar and Kunduz have the idea that Germans and Americans have created their desired Taliban groups to insecure the two provinces and use them in the auspicious opportunities but amid this our innocent people are suffering

By J. N.

Smoke rises after protesters set alight police motor cycles at a police headquarter compound during a demonstration in Taloqan, Takhar province, north of Kabul, Afghanistan on Thursday, May 19, 2011
Smoke rises after protesters set alight police motor cycles at a police headquarter compound during a demonstration in Taloqan, Takhar province, north of Kabul, Afghanistan on Thursday, May 19, 2011. Protesters again returned to the streets of Taloqan on Thursday to protest a nighttime NATO raid in the area that left four people dead. NATO later said the dead were insurgents, while Afghan officials said they were civilians. Provincial Governor Abdul Jabbar Taqwa said that about 100 demonstrators gathered outside his office to protest the deaths and burned two shipping containers being used to sell books. (Photo: AP)
A wounded Afghan boy receives treatment at a hospital after a protest in Taloqan May 18, 2011
A wounded Afghan boy receives treatment at a hospital after a protest in Taloqan May 18, 2011. Ten people have been killed and fifty wounded in violent protests against the killing of two men and two women in a night-time raid in north Afghanistan, a top local health official said. (Photo: Reuters)

This time, the American invader forces that have no other mission rather than killing and massacre of our innocent compatriots through bombardment and blind firings, turned Takhar province, north of Afghanistan, into slaughter ground. On May 27, 2011, around 11 o’clock in the night, four helicopters landed in Gomali Village of Taliqan, capital city of Takhar, and started house search. They took every residents of the village out, tightened their hands and eyes and kept them there until the dawn. The American forces attacked one of the villagers named Mullah Khayat, killed four family members including him and left the area after committing all of these crimes at 4 o’clock in the morning. According to locals, the killed people, two women included, had no connection with Taliban and Al-Qaeda and were the normal natives of the village.

Other Face of Crime

On the next day of the incident (May 28, 2011), the people gathered and decided not to let the crime go unanswered. The result of their decision was to take the bodies on their shoulders and have a demonstration in the center of Taliqan to express their hatred against the criminal invaders and useless government of Karzai but some other hands were on the way to send the people into the slaughter field. It was the right of people to start the people’s movement so the government officials and their foreign supporters understand that the people are not too footless to stay silence against all of these crimes and plots and certify the act.

The morning of that day, people were busy in organizing the demonstration when the religious and ethnic contractors arrived to change the direction of the gathering according to their will. Jehadi commanders, the religious contractors who use every possible opportunity to fool the masses, the provincial council members who have got the chance to display their tribal and regional power, and the failed candidate who act to show their objection against the corrupt government, all gave hand to hand to misuse the patriotism and stand of people against the corrupt government and invader forces for their own desire.

The following people were visible in the group:

1- Commander Pir Mohmmad, a Jehadi commander with close ties to Dostum. Once he was with Shura-e-Nezar of Masood and Rabani but now he is in service of Dostum. Beside commercial business, he is also active in ethnic business.

2- Commander Malik popular with name of Mala, a Jehadi commander of Dostum. Commander Mala, a Jehadi chick commander was under the command of Commander Matlab, but in the recent years the party of Dostum has been able to buy and use him against his master.

3- Maulawi Lutfullah, a failed parliamentarian candidate and a Jehadi commander of Dostum. He is one of the mullahs, who was a provincial council member of Takhar in the previous term, this time he wished to enter parliament but could earn enough votes. He was also the candidate of Dostum for the governer of the province but failed to do so. Abdul Jabar Taqwa was installed by Fahim in the post against him.

4- Abdullah Baig, provincial council member and son of Commander Matlab Baig, a Jehadi commander belonging to Jamiat-e-Islami and a current MP.

5- Maulawi Abdul Qahar Hakimi, a provincial council member and belonging to Dostum’s party.

6- Haji Jamshid, a provincial council member and belonging to Dostum’s party.

7- And a number of chick commanders who are always busy in tribal business.

The Governer of Takhar, Abdul Jabar Taqwa, is one of the criminals of Jamiat-e-Islami and a middleman of Fahim and has been installed by him in this post
Payam-e-Zan, Jun. 14, 2011: The Governer of Takhar, Abdul Jabar Taqwa, is one of the criminals of Jamiat-e-Islami and a middleman of Fahim and has been installed by him in this post.

All of the above mentioned people in their speeches asked people to take revenge. Commander Pir Mohammad said: “I will be the first one to get martyred and then you!” In the past these kinds of provocations of our people’s feeling has been done but at the end the commanders prefer to escape and our people has been used as firewood. Finally, the demonstration started from Gomali area towards the center of the city. At first the people of the area were in the demonstration but when it reached to the city, more people joined whose number was reaching to 2000 people. The people, who are fed of up such crimes and corruption by official, were shouting radical slogan: “Down with America!” “Down with Karzai!” “Death to slaves of America in Afghanistan!” and etc.

Soon the demonstration turned violent. Beside the people full of anger, who were cascading with shovels and hacks in the streets, the troublemaker elements organized by above mentioned people were also present who started to attack the Afghan and foregn security forces with their weapons. Commander Pir Mohammad and Commander Mala, who had triggered the attacks, moved to a corner and made people fight with security forces. A group directed the demonstrators towards the PAT compound where German forces are based. The people threw stones to the compound to express their hatred against the current situation and against the invader forces’ bullying, and in return the German forces fired on the people. The foreign forces who are used to kill and massacre of the people fired carelessly towards any one in front of them which resulted to deaths and injuries.

German Forces and Killing of Afghans

Although, it is heard many time from Germans that they have “historical relationship” with people of Afghanistan, but the experience has shown that the invader forces, from any tribe and nationality of all countries, which have changed Afghanistan into their play ground, are not different from each other, and are always trying to use any possible chance to attack our people to reach to their strategic aims in Afghanistan and the region. The German forces showed their real faces by killing of our compatriots. In the demonstration, a mob had gathered behind the German forces compound to show their abhorrence against the foreign forces, including Germans, were targeted by the blind bullets of German forces that resulted in the death of our 20 compatriots (media announced the number as 12 but it is totally lie) and more than 80 injuries.

Currently, the demonstrators have the following demands to be considered otherwise they will continue with the demonstration:

1- The German forced should be out of Taliqan because they are involved in all insecurities.

2- The Governor of Takhar, Police Chief, Head of National Security should be dismissed from their posts.

3- The main perpetrators of people’s killing in that night should be prosecuted.

4- The assassins of people killed during the demonstration should be handed over to people of prosecuted.

5- If the above points are not considered then the people will continue with their demonstrations.

The Governer of Takhar, Abdul Jabar Taqwa, is one of the criminals of Jamiat-e-Islami and a middleman of Fahim and has been installed by him in this post. Police Chief of Takhar, Maulana Shahjehan Noori besides having a cheap personality and insufficiency, like other installed government officials, he is taking advantage of his past, being a sub-commander in Shura-e-Nezar.

The Germans are present in Takhar since year 2002. They are investing on the projects in Takhar and Kunduz. Germans are always talking against Americans in their meetings with government officials and NGOs, and are clearly in competition with Americans. Even the people of Takhar and Kunduz have the idea that Germans and Americans have created their desired Taliban groups to insecure the two provinces and use them in the auspicious opportunities but amid this our innocent people are suffering.

Using the situation, the gang of Dostum is trying to take credit from the government. They are demanding to take the post of governor, police chief and other income-generating posts. Some weeks prior to the incident, the heads of this criminal gang gathered in Ariana Hotel and criticized the government that “in local official posts few people are present from Uzbek while 70% of population of Takhar is Uzbek.” The reality is that these assassins are not interested to defend the poor people of Uzbek but to use this ethnic group as their shield to hide their crimes.

Translated from the report from Payam-e-Zan (Message of Woman), a publication of RAWA in Persian.

Published originally on Jun. 12, 2011

Category: US-NATO, RAWA News, HR Violations - Views: 10154