By Abdul Maqsud Azizi

Afghans shout anti U.S. slogans during a demonstration in Taloqan, Takhar province, north of Kabul, Afghanistan on Thursday, May 19, 2011. Protesters again returned to the streets of Taloqan on Thursday to protest a nighttime NATO raid in the area that left four people dead. NATO later said the dead were insurgents, while Afghan officials said they were civilians. Provincial Governor Abdul Jabbar Taqwa said that about 100 demonstrators gathered outside his office to protest the deaths and burned two shipping containers being used to sell books. (Photo: AP)
Hundreds of residents of Charkh district in central Logar province on Friday protested against NATO-led forces for arresting two sons of a prayer leader.
Foreign troops on Thursday night detained the two sons of Maulvi Sahibzada, prayer leader of the district's main mosque, in the Bazar area during an operation.
The district development council head, Mohammad Naeem, told Pajhwok Afghan News that hundreds of people took part in the demonstration to condemn nighttime operations by foreign troops. He insisted the two detainees were locals and had been arrested without any charges.
Protestors vowed to continue their protest until the two were released. They said their next demonstration would be held in the capital city.
They demanded of the government to stop unilateral operations by foreign troops, otherwise, the situation could lead to public uprising.
Police chief, Col. Ghulam Sakhi Rogh Liwanai, urged protestors to avoid causing damage to public and private properties during their protest. He said he had talked to local officials about the protest and their demands.