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AFP, January 18, 2011

US support for Afghan war slips to new low: poll

The support level in the survey in early January was down from 44 percent in November and well below the peak of 59 percent a year ago

WASHINGTON — US public support for the war in Afghanistan has dropped to the lowest level since Barack Obama became president, a poll showed Tuesday.

The survey by Quinnipiac University showed voters said by a 51 to 41 percent margin than the United States should not be involved in Afghanistan.

The support level in the survey in early January was down from 44 percent in November and well below the peak of 59 percent a year ago.

Still, the respondents said by a 46 to 40 percent margin that they approved of Obama's handling the situation in Afghanistan.

Obama has escalated the war against the Taliban and other insurgent groups, swelling US troop numbers to 100,000 with plans to begin drawing down US forces in July and transfer security to Afghan forces in 2014.

The poll also showed a majority believed the US economy is beginning to recover, even though more than 50 percent disapproved of Obama's economic management.

The poll questioned 1,647 registered voters from January 4-11 and has a margin of error of 2.4 percentage points.

Category: US-NATO, HR Violations - Views: 8239