News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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Rethink Afghanistan, December 22, 2010

NOT WORTH IT: Each HIMARS rocket launcher system in use in Afghanistan costs 3,000,000.00 USD

We can't afford to spend ,000,000.00 per rocket launcher while millions of Americans are out of work and wondering where their next meal will come from

HIMRAS rocket launcher costs 3,000,000 USD

It's obscene how much money we're spending on the Afghanistan War while millions of Americans are out of work. Case in point: We're spending about $3,000,000.00 a pop on rocket launcher systems.

Each HIMARS rocket launcher system costs $3,000,000.00. HIMARS systems were in the news earlier this year after U.S. forces killed more than a dozen civilians when a rocket landed in a compound in Marjah.

We can't afford to spend $3,000,000.00 per rocket launcher while millions of Americans are out of work and wondering where their next meal will come from. We need those resources at home, not wasted on a brutal, futile war in Afghanistan.

Category: US-NATO - Views: 15003


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