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PAN, October 19, 2010

Tribal militias accused of forcefully taking usher

Another resident of the same district, said militias in addition to taking usher had also imposed charges on their crops

By Habib Rahman Sherzai

PUL-I-KHUMRI - Residents of northern Baghlan province have accused tribal militias, hired by government, of forcefully taking usher from them.

Nearly 100 residents from different districts on Sunday gathered in front of provincial police headquarters in the capital city, Pul-i-Khumri, asking police to help them against the militias.

According to a report in 2005 by the U.S. Army’s Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), early in his administration, Karzai “proclaimed warlord militias as the greatest threat to Afghanistan, a threat even greater than the Taliban insurgents.”
The report also stated that the efforts to disarm them largely failed. Even efforts to track the size of the warlord militias also had little success.
The Epoch Times, Oct. 12, 2010

One of the residents, Juma Khan, 50, said militias forcefully took money from residents in Khwaja Khan village. "If militias continue with their illegal actions, we have no option, but to leave the area," he said.

A week back, a teenager was wounded during a clash between residents and tribal militiamen when people denied giving usher, Muhammad Salim, a resident of Dand-i-Ghori district said. He said it was hard to differentiate between Taliban fighters and tribal militias.

Another resident of the same district, said militias in addition to taking usher had also imposed charges on their crops.

Deputy provincial police chief said an investigation had been launched into complaints of residents. "If their complaints proved right, tribal militiamen will have to face legal action," Col. Sayed Zamanuddin Hussaini, said.

Efforts failed to reach militiamen for their comment in this regard.

Tribal militiamen have been deployed in different parts of the northern province over the last six months.

Category: Warlords, Protest - Views: 7958


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