By Abbasin Zaheer
Some MPs have reported that body parts of Afghans who are sentenced to death in Iran, are being removed.

About three thousand Afghans who are in Iran are awaiting execution.
Today’s parliamentary session was mainly about the Afghans executed in Iran.
The arguments turned very sour after Sadiqqui Zada Neeli, representative of Daikundi, spoke of supporting Iran. Neeli said that Iran carries out the sentences with the consent of those sentenced.
These claims were greatly criticized by other MPs who spoke loudly and said the Parliament shouldn’t be used to speak for the profit of another country.
Dr. Ramazan Bashardost, an MP, condemned this act of Iran and said the Parliament should close its doors and protest against Iran. He added, “If we protest against this one million people of Kabul will support us.”
Bashardost said the Iranian embassy should be surrounded by protesters and Iran should be forced to stop such acts.
Aalimi Balkhi another MP also criticized Iran for this act and said Iran had carried out the executions without informing the Afghan government.
Mohammad Younis Qanooni, Speaker of the Parliament, said after long debates that the Iranian Foreign Minister and Afghan ambassador to Tehran should meet.
The topic of Afghan prisoners’ execution a month back was talked about by a representative of Herat in the Parliament. He said that in two nights 45 Afghans had been executed and their bodies brought to Herat.
But later President Hamid Karzai’s intelligence advisor said the number of Afghans killed were six.
Also two weeks back, an authentic government source reported that three Afghans had been burned and killed in the Qazwin city of Iran.
But despite all these reports no serious decision has been made.