May 12, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailXinhua: Nearly 100 girl students and teachers of a school in Kapisa province, 80 km north of the Afghan capital Kabul, mysteriously fell unconscious on Tuesday, spokesman of Public Health Ministry Ahmad Farid Rahed said. "A possible poisonous gas attack in Qazak Girl School this morning in Kohistan district has sickened 90 students and seven teachers," Rahed told Xinhua. Full news...
May 11, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailMcClatchy Newspapers: The drug trade funnels hundreds of millions of dollars each year to drug barons and the resurgent Taliban, the militant Islamist group that's killed an estimated 450 American troops in Afghanistan since 2001 and seeks to overthrow the fledgling democracy here. What's more, Afghan officials' involvement in the drug trade suggests that American tax dollars are supporting the corrupt officials who protect the Taliban's efforts to raise money from the drug trade, money the militants use to buy weapons that kill U.S. soldiers. Full news...
May 11, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailHuman Rights Watch: NATO forces in Afghanistan should immediately release the results of their investigation into a March 14, 2009, incident in which an 8-year-old girl in Kapisa province was burned by white phosphorus munitions, Human Rights Watch said today. A NATO spokesperson has denied allegations from the girl's father that NATO forces had fired the rounds that caused her injuries. Full news...
May 11, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailMcClatchy Newspapers: Ahmed Wali Karzai is feared by many in southern Afghanistan, and being threatened by him, in his home, isn't something to be taken lightly.In a place like Kandahar, I try to take precautions — letting my beard grow and wearing the traditional Afghan outfit of baggy pants and a long tunic — but at the end of the day, there's no protection when the most powerful official in the region orders you to leave. So after a quick consultation with locals, I decided to do just that. Full news...
May 10, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailThe Sunday Times: When civilians get killed in conflicts in Sudan, Zimbabwe or Sri Lanka, the United Nations predictably raises hell. But when civilians are victims of domestic insurgencies or military conflicts involving the five big powers -- the US, Britain, France, China and Russia (plus Israel) -- the Security Council invariably remains silent or paralysed. Full news...
May 10, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailAFP: Hundreds of Kabul University students labelled the United States "the world's biggest terrorist" on Sunday as they protested against US air strikes said to have killed scores of Afghan villagers. Chanting "Death to America", "Death to the biggest terrorist" and "long live Islam", up to 1,000 protesters marched outside the university to condemn what is believed to be the deadliest such incident in nearly eight years. Full news...
May 10, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailThe Sunday Times: One of Afghanistan's most wanted terrorists is to be offered a power-sharing deal by the government of President Hamid Karzai as the country's warlords extend their grip on power. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who is on America's "most wanted" terrorist list, is to hold talks with the Kabul government within the next few weeks. Hekmatyar is the leader of Hezb-i-Islami, which has been fighting Nato troops alongside the Taliban. Full news...
May 10, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailMcClatchy Newspapers: The Pul-I-Charki prison rises out of the dirt fields and mud walls on the edge of east Kabul like a medieval fortress, its castle towers surrounded by checkpoints and machine gun nests.The prison is meant to hold some of Afghanistan's worst criminals, those who officials fear would buy or fight their way out of provincial jails. However, when a reporter asked to interview big-time drug dealers being held there, especially from Helmand or Kandahar, prison officials said they had none. Full news...
May 9, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailQuqnoos: The tiny roads of the Afghan village do not witness the cheer of kids, the muddy houses are destroyed and the survival villagers even cannot find a place to mourn the victims of the fatal air-raid. It’s incredibly harsh to tolerate a second in Geranai, a remote village in Bala-Buluk district of the western Farah province, where the green rural area is heavily bombed and single smiling face can hardly be seen. One or two are remaining from a family of 10 to 15 members and the village is mourning the deaths, exceeding 100. Full news...
May 7, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailAFP: Afghans chanted "Death to America" and demanded US troops leave Afghanistan as mobs threw stones at government offices Thursday in a violent protest against civilian deaths, witnesses said. Four people were wounded when hundreds of furious demonstrators protested in the western town of Farah against the reported killings of up to 70 civilians during US-led air strikes and fighting against insurgents, officials said. Full news...
May 6, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailThe Independent: Of course there will be an inquiry. And in the meantime, we shall be told that all the dead Afghan civilians were being used as "human shields" by the Taliban and we shall say that we "deeply regret" innocent lives that were lost. But we shall say that it's all the fault of the terrorists, not our heroic pilots and the US Marine special forces who were target spotting around Bala Baluk and Ganjabad. Full news...
May 6, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailPAN: Residents of the Bala Boluk district in western Farah province on Tuesday claimed more than one hundred 'innocent people' have been killed in the Monday's air offensive by the US forces. The air-strike in Bala Boluk district came after an insurgent attack on a police check post that killed six people and three others on spy charges on Sunday. Full news...
May 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailReuters: The U.N. mission head in Afghanistan begged President Hamid Karzai not to name as his running mate an ex-guerrilla chief linked to accusations of human rights abuses but was ignored, a diplomatic source close to him said on Monday. Karzai registered to run for re-election on Monday and named former vice president and defence minister Mohammad Qasim Fahim to stand with him as the senior of two vice presidents. Full news...
May 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailIRIN: Flash floods in the past two weeks have killed at least 20 people and destroyed hundreds of homes, according to the Afghanistan National Disasters Management Authority (ANDMA), which has declared a nationwide state of emergency. Without the state of emergency we will not be able to save lives and keep the situation under control,” Abdul Matin Edrak, director of ANDMA, told IRIN in Kabul, adding that the aim was to “mitigate the impacts of severe floods”. Full news...
May 4, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailKnight Ridder/Tribune: U.S. Soldiers have been encouraged to spread the message of their Christian faith among Afghanistan's predominantly Muslim population, video footage obtained by Al Jazeera appears to show. Military chaplains stationed in the U.S. air base at Bagram were also filmed with Bibles printed in the country's main Pashto and Dari languages. In one recorded sermon, Lt. Col. Gary Hensley, the chief of the U.S. military chaplains in Afghanistan, is seen telling Soldiers that as followers of Jesus Christ, they all have a responsibility "to be witnesses for him". Full news...
May 3, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailXinhua: One Afghan civilian was killed and two others sustained injuries as they came under fire of international troops in west Afghanistan Sunday morning, police said. "This morning a civilian car from Farah was heading to Herat province but was fired upon by the international troops on the road linking airport to Gazara district, as a result a 12-year-oldgirl was killed," Abdul Rauf Ahmadi, police in western region. Full news...
May 1, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailAsia Times: Nearly 30 years after their first foray into the land-locked buffer state, married couple and journalist-historians Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould could not have chosen a more appropriate time to publish their comprehensive Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story. A chronically disinformed US public should leap at the chance to familiarize themselves with an honest overview of their country's historically scandalous involvement in the region. Full news...
April 30, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailRAWA News: The first 100 days of a new administration in Washington is always a time for comment and speculation about the future. It is an American tradition dating back to Franklin Roosevelt's tenure in 1933 during the Great Depression. But my focus here is upon what has the arrival of the Obama administration meant not within the United States, but rather for the everyday life of common Afghans. Full news...
April 30, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailPAN: A father murdered his daughter and her paramour for their alleged involvement in an adulterous affair in the Timoryan village of Baghlan-i-Markazi district of northern Baghlan province on Tuesday night. The boy of age 23 and the girl, 25, was cousins. Dr. Khalil Naramgo, head of the district hospital said bodies of the two have been brought to the hospital. He claimed after the postmortem report it was learnt that the couple did not have sexual relations. Full news...
April 30, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailIRIN: Flash floods, landslides and earthquakes in different parts of Afghanistan in the last 10 days or so have damaged thousands of houses, killed hundreds of livestock and made thousands homeless, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has said. “In Balkh Province [northern Afghanistan] about 1,500 families need emergency assistance,” said Sheilagh Henry, an OCHA field coordinator. Full news...
April 26, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailXinhua: Three dozen girl students were poisoned in Parwan province 70 km north of Afghan capital Kabul on Sunday, Ahmad Farid Rahid a spokesman of Public Health Ministry said. "There was a ceremony at the compound of Sadiqi Padshah Girl School in Charikar, the capital of Parwan province, today and suddenly 36 students, one police and one teacher got unconscious, all of whom were taken to hospital," Rahid told Xinhua. Full news...
April 26, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailXinhua: Unknown armed men set fire on a girl school in Ghor province, in northwestern Afghanistan, a local newspaper reported Sunday. "Unidentified men dynamited a girl school in Tiwara district Friday night and destroyed it," a security official was quoted by the daily Arman-e-Millie. The report put the attack on Taliban militants, but the outfit has yet to claim responsibility. Full news...
April 24, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailReuters: Mohammed Ali has no idea that the Taliban who once drove him from his home are staging a comeback in parts of Afghanistan. As a hired farmer, he is too busy worrying how to feed a family of seven on $100 a year. At the moment his children live off just bread and tea, but that is better than the harsh winter months when there is sometimes nothing. Many Afghans face a more urgent daily battle against poverty and hunger. Full news...
April 24, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailAssociated Press: The Army has approved new guidance to military commanders in an effort to stem the rising toll of soldier suicides, officials said late Thursday. Army leadership has become more alarmed as suicides from January through March rose to a reported 56 -- 22 confirmed and 34 still being investigated and pending confirmation. Usually, the vast majority of suspected suicides are eventually confirmed. The 2009 number compares to 140 for all of last year, a record blamed partly on strains caused by repeated deployments for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Full news...
April 23, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailThe Associated Press: Millions of new textbooks promised and paid for by the U.S. and other foreign donors have not been delivered to schools in Afghanistan, The Associated Press has found. Other books were so poorly made they are already falling apart. The faltering effort is testimony to how much can be lost to corruption, inefficiency and bureaucracy in this tumultuous country, where it is difficult to get even the most straightforward aid project done. Full news...
April 23, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailIRIN: Open defecation, lack of toilets and poor sanitation in makeshift internally displaced persons (IDP) camps throughout Afghanistan are a health threat, particularly to children, health workers and aid agencies say. According to the Afghan government, at least 230,000 people are living in formal IDP camps and informal settlements where few sanitary, water and toilet facilities are available. About 500 families (2,500 individuals) displaced from southern regions have set up shacks, tents and mud huts in Qambar on the western outskirts of Kabul. Full news...
April 23, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailNational Post: Held down by men in police uniform, the half-naked victim screams in pain as another man wearing a white dishdasha brandishes a plank with a nail sticking out the end. “Get closer, get closer,” he instructs the camera operator as he sets to beating again. The man directing the action is said to be Sheik Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan, a member of the ruling family of the United Arab Emirates. His victim is Mohammed Shah Poor, an Afghan grain dealer, suspected of shortchanging the Emirati royal in a delivery. Full news...
April 22, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailAFP: Dishevelled and blind in one eye, the 57-year-old hashish dealer has no fear that police might try to stop the trade he conducts from a petrol station on the edge of the dirty Kabul River. "If you give them 100 afghani (two dollars) and a joint, they would say carry on," said the man who gives his name as Mahtaabudin. "I am not afraid of anyone," he said gruffly, only agreeing to talk after he has lit a cigarette of heady hashish made from cannabis resin which he shares with some of his customers on the station's verandah. Full news...
April 21, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailIRIN: Razia, aged 10, cannot go to school because doing so is deemed too risky for girls in the southern province of Kandahar, and because her father believes only boys should attend school. “My father says schools are not for girls and that girls should work at home,” she told IRIN in Kandahar, adding that she had always wanted to go to school and become a doctor. Full news...
April 21, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: EmailQuqnoos: According to UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNESCO and the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF in Kabul, 66 per cent of Afghans are illiterate but the figure is remarkably higher for women, nearly 90 per cent. UNICEF estimates that more than 80 per cent of females and around 50 per cent of males lack accessing to education centres, mostly in the rural areas of the country. UNESCO Director for Afghanistan, Shigeru Ayoagi, marked this country with a highest rate of illiteracy in the world. Full news...
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