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Amnesty International, October 30, 2009

Amnesty International lists 83 Afghan civilians killed in NATO airstrike in Kunduz

The German government should immediately launch a credible, transparent investigation into a 4 September airstrike in Kunduz

The German government should immediately launch a credible, transparent investigation into a 4 September airstrike in Kunduz, Afghanistan, that killed scores of people, many of them civilians, Amnesty International said on Thursday.

Police officer next to a tanker after bombardment
PAN, Sep. 5, 2009: Residents of Chahar Dara district in northern Kunduz province say more than 150 civilians were killed and 20 others wounded in air strike by NATO-led forces. (Photo: AP)

The German military said on Thursday that NATO’s investigation suggested the airstrike, which targeted two fuel tanker trucks that had been hijacked by Taliban fighters five hours earlier, was appropriate even though it led to civilian casualties.

Amnesty international’s investigation into the Kunduz incident suggests that the laws of war may have been violated during the airstrike.

"An urgent and transparent investigation needs to be launched by the German government into what happened in Kunduz. NATO, and the German government, must show accountability for the loss of civilian life and prove that it has the will and mechanism in place to investigate civilian casualties," said Sam Zarifi, director of Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific programme.

Read full report by AI

List of suspected civilian casualties in the NATO ordered airstrike on two fuel tankers in Kunduz, September 4, 2009

Village elders provided Amnesty International a list of 83 people killed in the incident who the elders identified as having no affiliation with the Taliban.

NoNameFather’s NameAgeVillageDistrict
1Samad KhanMohd Amand38OmerkhielChardara
2QamaruddinGhulam Rasoul19OmerkhielChardara
3Mohd AmandMohd Khan36OmerkhielChardara
4Mahram ShahShier Mohd55OmerkhielChardara
5Nasir AhmadWasfuddin16OmerkhielChardara
7HashimAskar Mohd19OmerkhielChardara
8Khial MohdNoor Ali17OmerkhielChardara
9RahmatJumma Gul20OmerkhielChardara
11Zubari ShahAbdul Qadeer20OmerkhielChardara
12Mohd NabiAbdul Momin38OmerkhielChardara
14Abdul WahabNoorkhan34OmerkhielChardara
18Abdul RahimMir Akbar19Haji AmanullahChardara
19Faiz MohdJan Mohd24Haji AmanullahChardara
20AsadullahWali jan20Haji AmanullahChardara
21HafizullahHaji Noor Ahmad22Haji AmanullahChardara
22NasrullahMohammadullah18Haji AmanullahChardara
23MasjidiMirrahman19Haji AmanullahChardara
24Noor AliNoor Ahmad48Haji AmanullahChardara
25Din MohdJumma Khan45Haji AmanullahChardara
26ShamsulrahmanMirrahman15Haji AmanullahChardara
27Ahmad ShahDawood14Haji AmanullahChardara
28GulabuddinJamaluddin14Haji AmanullahChardara
29IhsanullahSayed Mohd16Haji AmanullahChardara
30JamalluddinNaiem Khan27Haji AmanullahChardara
31MusaGhaibullah38Haji AmanullahChardara
32FazilAbdulrahman17Haji AmanullahChardara
33HussienAbdullah38Haji AmanullahChardara
34Sepas MohdDawood44Haji AmanullahChardara
35Mohd DawoodMohd Ibrahim27Yaqoob BayeeChardara
36Mohd NaderAkhter33Yaqoob BayeeChardara
37Alefuddinakhter23Yaqoob BayeeChardara
38Mohd ArifMohd Nader23Yaqoob BayeeChardara
39GuladdinSharafuddin30Yaqoob BayeeChardara
40Pahlawan HassanQurban Ali55Yaqoob BayeeChardara
41GhafarPahlawan Hassan16Yaqoob BayeeChardara
42Mullah QadamAbdul Mansoor50Yaqoob BayeeChardara
43Mohd AliNoor Mohd38Yaqoob BayeeChardara
44IbrahimNoor Mohd28Yaqoob BayeeChardara
45RahmatullahMohd Ali16Yaqoob BayeeChardara
46Sayed MohdJalat40Yaqoob BayeeChardara
47Jumma gulJalat25Yaqoob BayeeChardara
48AsadullahJalat20Yaqoob BayeeChardara
49MohammaduddinAbdullah30Yaqoob BayeeChardara
50Gul AlamMir Afghan17Yaqoob BayeeChardara
51AmanullahFirooz18Yaqoob BayeeChardara
52Jan MohdJumma26Yaqoob BayeeChardara
53NoorullahJumma16Yaqoob BayeeChardara
54KhudaidadAbdulwahab18Yaqoob BayeeChardara
55HafizullahAbdulwahab15Yaqoob BayeeChardara
56AmanullahAbdulsalam28Yaqoob BayeeChardara
57QudratullahAbdul Dayan27Yaqoob BayeeChardara
58RahmatullahAbdul Dayan14Yaqoob BayeeChardara
59Abdul SalamAbdulwadood19Yaqoob BayeeChardara
60GuluddinMusa khan30Essa Khan BayeChardara
61HukmuddinMusa Khan27Essa Khan BayeChardara
62Allah NoorMusa Khan25Essa Khan BayeChardara
63Ahmad NoorLaluddin17Essa Khan BayeChardara
64Abdul KhalieqArsala22Essa Khan BayeChardara
65Noor MohdJumma Khan55Essa Khan BayeChardara
66Mohd WaliAmir Mohd30Essa Khan BayeChardara
67AyazMohd Wali13Essa Khan BayeChardara
68AlefuddinGuluddin30Essa Khan BayeChardara
69WazirGuluddin28Essa Khan BayeChardara
70Abdul BashirGuluddin18Essa Khan BayeChardara
71ZikrullahAlef Shah15Essa Khan BayeChardara
72AjmalAbdulhanan15Essa Khan BayeChardara
73Ali MohdJan Mohd28Isa KhelChardara
74Abdul QayumMaida Gul22Isa KhelChardara
75Amir GulKariem29Isa KhelChardara
76IbrahimSamander25Isa KhelChardara
77AzizullahSayed Ahmaduddin32Isa KhelChardara
78Noor AlamSalamat khan24Isa KhelChardara
79AbdulrahimGhulam Bayee26Isa KhelChardara
80Mohammad janAkhter Mohd33Isa KhelChardara
81KarimakSayed Amir26Isa KhelChardara
82AhmaduddinSayed Alam17Isa KhelChardara
83Abdul BaqiMaida Gul46Isa KhelChardara

Category: Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, US-NATO, HR Violations - Views: 21114