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PAN, October 28, 2009

75pc national revenues devoured by corruption

He said the purchase permits were not properly controlled by the Finance Ministry which resulted into increased administrative dishonesty and hence decreased the national revenues

Abdul Qadir Siddiqi

Senior officials believe that 75 per cent government revenues are wasted due to administrative corruption in the country.

Muhammad Yasin Osmani, a senior official of the anti-corruption department, told a news conference here on Wednesday that most of the revenues were being wasted due to administrative corruption.

An international aid expert says only pennies from each dollar being sent to Afghanistan are actually reaching the people who need help. Marco Vicenzino says he is appalled by the inefficiency of humanitarian aid efforts. Vicenzino, who is a strategic adviser for the Afghanistan World Foundation, says about 80 cents of every dollar goes back to donor countries - largely through the contractors doing the work.
The Canadian Press, May 28, 2009

He said imports were not properly registered in the customs offices, sub-standard items were being brought into the market, permits were being issued to other people instead of traders and businessmen and agreements reached with only a limited number of people.

He said the purchase permits were not properly controlled by the Finance Ministry which resulted into increased administrative dishonesty and hence decreased the national revenues.

Spokesman for the Finance Ministry Aziz Shams admitted the wastage of government revenues, but said Osmani presented the situation in an exaggerated form.

He told Pajhwok that the anti-corruption department should share evidences with the Finance Ministry if they had any about such a large scale corruption.

Osmani said a large number of people involved in corruption had been produced before the attorney general's office for further action.

He said positive changes had been brought into the affairs of the interior, justice and public health ministries and the attorney's office as well as the Supreme Court.

Category: Corruption - Views: 9997