News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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Xinhua, March 10, 2009

Newspaper: 10 million Afghans are jobless

High rate of unemployment and joblessness is the main reason for taking people towards committing criminal activities, armed robberies, suicide attacks and resorting to drug smuggling and addictions

Around 10 million out of the whole population of the war-torn Afghanistan are jobless, a local newspaper reported Tuesday.

“The Taliban pay 500-1,000 Afghanis [$10-20] for a day of action against government and American forces,” said Lutfullah, 23, from Helmand Province. By contrast, government employees get less than $2 a day.
IRIN, Mar. 5, 2009

"About 10 million out of 25 million populations of Afghanistan are without job," the newspaper Arman-e-Millie quoted Mohammad Zahir Kargar, the president of Workers Union of Afghanistan, as saying.

Based on the remarks of Kargar, the daily said that high rate of unemployment and joblessness is the main reason for taking people towards committing criminal activities, armed robberies, suicide attacks and resorting to drug smuggling and addictions.

There is no official statistic about the population of Afghanistan and the figures of unemployed people in this country. However the government said that it would make all efforts to provide job opportunities for the citizens and alleviate poverty.

Category: Poverty - Views: 9217