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PAN, November 9, 2008

14 guards killed in fire by US soldiers in Khost

The US-led coalition troops had also killed over 22 security guards of a private Security Company in an airstrike in the Ghazni province on 27th October.

Saboor Mangal

bodies of 14 Afghan security guards of a road construction company killed by American soldiers
KHOST, Nov 10th 2008: Local people are preparing to shift dead bodies of 14 Afghan security guards of a road construction company killed by American soldiers late Sunday. (Photo: PAN/Saboor Mangal)

KHOST CITY: Over 14 security guards of a road construction company were killed in firing by American soldiers in the southeastern Khost province late Sunday evening, the provincial governor said.

Arsala Jamal told Pajhwok Afghan News the firefight erupted in Khoni Khwar area of the province earlier Sunday evening. The clash occurred after American soldiers landed the helicopter on their way to Bak district.

The security guards opened fire on American soldiers as they were trying to capture a guard amid them, he said and added, security guards might have also wounded in the clash that left over 14 guards killed. He had no more information about the incident.

The US-led coalition troops had also killed over 22 security guards of a private Security Company in an airstrike in the lawless southern Ghazni province on 27th October.

The US-led coalition troops had said they had launched an airstrike that killed a number of private security guards only after coming under fire from that position.

However, Niaz Muhammad Amiri, a Member of Parliament had claimed the bombing had killed guards of a private Security Company while guarding construction workers of a Road in Qarabagh district of the southern Ghazni province.

Category: US-NATO, HR Violations - Views: 18255


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