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PAN, November 1, 2008

Another Afghan woman falls prey to domestic violence

The name of the woman was Zarbano, daughter of Muhammad Din and wife of Muhammad Gul

Abdul Moeed Hashimi

JALALABAD: A woman in the district of Ali Shing, eastern Laghman province, committed self immolation and died on Friday night due to domestic violence.

The woman, married in an exchange marriage, was mistreated by her in-laws, Muhammad Qader, resident of Shagi area, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Dr. Yahya, Laghman Governor's secretary, said the name of the woman was Zarbano, daughter of Muhammad Din and wife of Muhammad Gul. Dr. Yahya had received reports confirming Zarbano committed self-immolation due to family violence.

Dr. Yahya said a team has been sent to the area for investigations.

Hanifi Sapi, head of the Women Affairs department, told Pajhwok Afghan News they had not received any report about the incident.

Category: Women, HR Violations - Views: 15145