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PAN, July 1, 2008

Afghan MPs Purposely Damaged Five Electronic Attendance Machines

The second secretary of the Elder’s Assembly, Abdul Khaliq Hussaini, stated that the machines had been destroyed by some members of this assembly.

Makya Munir

Five of the 24 electronic attendance system machines purchased by the SEAL project for the National Council were destroyed on purpose.

These machines were activated 15 days back and 8 of them belong to the Meshrano Jirga (Upper House of the Parliament) while the other 16 are owned by the Wolesi Jirga (Lower House of Parliament) which also includes the employees of Security Administration of the Lower House of Parliament.

Confirming that corruption is now a deep rooted malice in the country, a global corruption index has placed Afghanistan on 172nd spot in a list of 180 countries. The Global Corruption Report 2008 released by Transparency International a global coalition against corruption -- gives Afghanistan just 1.8 points out of a total score of 10; reflecting that corruption has gained ground during the post-Taliban era.
PAN, June 27, 2008

A number of the employees of Lower House of Parliament stated the damage was done for personal spites and purposes and the wrongdoers are the ones who do not want incorruptibility in the state.

The second secretary of the Elder’s Assembly, Abdul Khaliq Hussaini, stated that the machines had been destroyed by some members of this assembly.

He elaborated that the spot of the machine where the thumb had to be pressed, had been damaged by a pin inserted in it.

He also approved the fact that it was committed by someone from the Wolesi Jirga (House of People).

Shah Sultan Aakifi, the Administrator of the Humanitarian Department of Wolesi Jirga said that it was not damaged on purpose but happened accidentally as the users were not well-acquainted with the machine. He added that it was damaged because the lens that took the fingerprints was very fragile.

An employee who did not want to reveal his name told PAN that maybe some members wanted to destroy so that they could take a day off before the machines came.

Although the members of the Lower House of the Parliament have gone for a six week vacation on June 5th, the employees are supposed to work according to a bill.

Category: Warlords, Corruption - Views: 13926


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