News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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RAWA News, June 25, 2008

Man Publicly Prosecuted in Kabul for Stealing a Sack of Flour

The judicial bodies of Afghanistan only have the power to put the weak on trial but are quiet about the high-ranked government officials who are accused of far more serious crimes.

A man named Farid resident of Kabul was prosecuted publicly in Kabul for stealing a sack of flour.


Abdul Basir Osyan judge of the Third District Court of Kabul said that the case of stealing had been proved. Farid said that he had to earn for a family of thirteen and has done this act out of poverty.

He said, “I had no work for 15 to 30 days. After about another 15 days I stole this to feed my children. I was desperate and forced to do so because of my family.”

But his trial was greatly criticized by experts. They say that the judicial bodies of Afghanistan only have the power to put the weak on trial but are quiet about the high-ranked government officials who are accused of far more serious crimes. Criminals and drug kingpins like Sayyaf, Rabbani, Mohqiq, Khalili, Qanooni, Ismail Khan, Atta Mohammad, Dostum, Zia Massoud and many others enjoy high posts in the state. They are continuing their crimes and plunder with impunity. Their crimes have been reported by the HRW as well. They believe that this imbalance in prosecution creates distance between the government and the people.

Financial problems and sky-rocketing prices have forced people in other provinces to eat grass. In the latest case, three children died of hunger in Samangan. In others, young people committed suicide due to different financial problems. Experts think that the judicial bodies shall take action against those people who steal from the national assets and increase poverty in the country.

Category: RAWA News, Poverty - Views: 19262


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