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PAN, June 12, 2008

Mass grave discovered in Balkh province of Afghanistan

Local traditional clothes and long hair probably of women have also been found in the site.

Zabihullah Ihsas

MAZAR-E-SHARIF: A mass grave was discovered in southern part of Mazar-e-sharif capital of northern Balkh province.

around 50 people have been buried here together
Around 50 people have been buried here together.

Skeleton of several people have been recovered from the mass grave located in new residential scheme titled after Khalid Bin Walid.

The grave was discovered when a local excavated the land to construct basement for his house, Pajhwok reporter at the site said.

Local traditional clothes and long hair probably of women have also been found in the site.

Balkh police Chief Sardar Muhammad Sultani told Pajhwok Afghan News they found out about the graveyard and stopped the construction work there.

He believed perhaps around 50 people have been buried here together. The mass grave might date back to Taliban regime; he said but could not ascertain whether Taliban or the opponents committed the crime.

A delegation from central Kabul would head to Balkh province to investigate on the mass grave, he said.

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