News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
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BBC Persian (Translated by RAWA), June 3, 2008

Connection of Some Afghan Authorities with Armed Groups

More than 300 irresponsible armed bands have been dissolved but there are about 2,000 others such bands in the country.

UN has accused some governmental authorities for having connections with armed, irresponsible groups.

Chris Alexander, Deputy Special Representative for the Secretary-General in Afghanistan said to dissolve some of the irresponsible armed bands who are more powerful, force and pressure have to be used.

According to Afghan authorities and UN, till now more than 300 irresponsible armed bands have been dissolved but there are about 2,000 others such bands in the country.

Jehadi Gunman
HRW, March 12, 2005: "Warlords and their troops in many areas have been implicated in widespread rape of women and children, murder, illegal detention, forced displacement, human trafficking and forced marriage."

UN and the Defense Ministry of Afghanistan said that most of these groups are involved in terrorist activities, smuggling of drugs and planned crimes.

Alexander Chris said that the plan to dissolve armed irresponsible groups has had some achievements but still important challenges are still to be faced by this plan.

Besides the Taliban and the people loyal to the Taliban, the presence of other armed groups is one of the biggest security challenges in the country.

Recognition of Authorities

The Deputy Special Representative for the Secretary-General in Afghanistan said that until now about 28 people from the government have been recognized to have connections with illegal armed groups.

He said, “Obviously, other government authorities also have ties with illegal, armed groups. In the start, 72 of these people were recognized, out of which, except for the 28 people, all either dissolved their groups or were dismissed from the government.”

He added, “Some MPs of Afghanistan also have ties with irresponsible armed groups.”

Mr. Chris refused to disclose the names or positions of these people in the Afghan government.

Besides these, Mr. Chris added that some private security companies also have wide relations with illegal armed groups.

The Afghan government with the help of the international community, has made a number of programs to dissolve these groups and to make these people turn to a non-military life.

Official statistics show that in these programs about 40 thousand light and heavy weapons have been collected in Afghanistan.

The DIAG (Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups) program, that has the responsibility of dissolving irresponsible armed groups, has started about three years back and according to the anticipation of Afghan authorities, will last till 2011.

Category: Warlords, Taliban/ISIS/Terrorism, RAWA News, HR Violations - Views: 23717


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