News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
News from the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)






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RAWA, February 26, 2008

Husband cuts toes of his wife, pours hot water on her

The woman also claimed that some time back her husband had killed her five month old child

The emergency section of Herat Hospital reported that a twenty-two year old woman’s toes had been cut off by her brutal husband.

In hospital

Abused by husband
22-y old Fatima who has been abused and injured by her cruel husband in Herat - Western Afghanistan.

The woman named Fatima belonging to Gulran District of Herat province in Western Afghanistan had been burnt with hot water, a bullet had been found buried in her abdomen and her hair had been pulled out with his hands. She says he fired on her by a pistol but she survived.

Fatima claimed that some time back her husband had killed her five month old child after a problem had been created at home. She also said that in the last three months her husband had pulled out her hair and poured hot water on her several times.

Dr. Barkatullah Mohammadi the head of the emergency section of Herat Hospital said that the woman had been severely injured and her condition is critical. She demanded the government and the human rights organizations to help her get a divorce from her husband.

Officials of Independent Human Rights Commission of Afghanistan said that the number of cases of physical abuse against women has increased tragically this year in Herat province and it was very concerning. A while back the ear and nose of a woman was cut by her husband and four women had committed suicide due to domestic violence.

Category: Women, RAWA News, Children, HR Violations - Views: 25249


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